Gas prices Whats yours?

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2004
bowling green ky
Well today 1 gallon of unleaded in Bowling Green Ky is 3.09$ Seeing as I already spend 120-150 a week on gas, I wondered if anyone else could make me feel better by telling me what the price is in your hometown.
i'm really sorry Steve, but after what happened with the hurricane i heard that the prices are gonna go way up.
Ohh yeah i can see my wallet and i crying.
Well the lowest I saw today was $2.70 a gallon. It made me decide to sell my gas guzzling beast and buy a wimpy 5.0l F150.
My car requires premium, but $3.09 is what I'm paying currently. I expect it to continue to rise though, since our area tends to be a little behind in terms of gas price increases.

Big T. LOL thats what I have a 5.0 liter extra cab ford. I drive constantly. One job is 1hr and 20 minutes away and then back another 1hr 20. I know they are going to keep going up. I just wanted to comiserate. LOL I used to be a investment broker and was involved in the energy markets. I was awfull at it. LOL. We have had this coming for a long time, no new refineries, and closing a lot of the older ones. Both of the political parties have completly failed over the last 30 years to come up with any kind of workable energy policy. Lots of not in my backyard, which I understand totally I lived in Ill, right next to Shells huge refinery, it ruins the enviorment and the actually doesnt just smell bad, I can even taste it, driving back in to visit my family. I belive that oil will steady out around 50$ a barrel and stay that way for the next few years. This is just a taste of what it will be like in 10-15 years if major changes dont occur. I think the last 30$ a barrel oil was pumped a few years ago. The companies are going further and drilling deeper for less oil with more risk. Hydrogen sounds neat but I understand it costs more energy to produce than it makes so that unless something changes is a dead end. Coal is dirty and most easy deposits are mined or at least being back out mined which is very dangerous. It seems to me we have waited untill its almost too late to start building more nuclear plants. I know they can be safe, The reactor on a submarine can run a pretty decent sized town. Sorry about my rant here. Its a subject near and dear to my heart.
big t said:
Well the lowest I saw today was $2.70 a gallon. It made me decide to sell my gas guzzling beast and buy a wimpy 5.0l F150.

I'm with you at 7mpg, Im really missing my old gsxr. Ive been tempted to dig out my wifes little ninja 250, it get about 45mpg.

Well - today, for regular unleaded it is $3.29, and premium is $3.51.....also word is it will go up another 65¢ tomorrow. Yesterday, regular was $2.67 with premium $2.79, and by last night regular went up to $2.79.....and now you see the result of what it turned into today. Good thing we get really good gas mileage.
Well I paid 2.98 today for plus and it will go up again. :(
This sucks since I drive 150 miles a day to work and back. I need to fill up every other day and that means $40+ every other day. All that cash and I drive a crappy 4-cylinder Toyota pickup. It's getting to the point that driving to MACNA may be more costly the flying and I'm in NJ!
350 deisel dually= one poor SOB. 3.10 per gallon here. Forget anware I am going to bring a drilling platform onto the lake!!!!!!!!

The reactor on a submarine can run a pretty decent sized town.

We have to get there soon Steve :confused: Sitting here running a power plant seeing all this and not only are the Gasoline Prices going up Natural gas is going up just as fast which is crazy we get our Natural gas out of the Canadian oil feilds But since the gulf is all fowled up the Northern Rockies Gas is going up with no changes up there (supply & demand) Its going to rocket up the electrical prices very soon ! How can a guy keep Halides on :evil:
This is going to be a very Expensive hobbie to maintain in the next few months this fuel issue is going to hit very hard with the Electrical Industry :mad:

wrightme43 said:
Big T. LOL thats what I have a 5.0 liter extra cab ford. I drive constantly. One job is 1hr and 20 minutes away and then back another 1hr 20. I know they are going to keep going up. I just wanted to comiserate. LOL I used to be a investment broker and was involved in the energy markets. I was awfull at it. LOL. We have had this coming for a long time, no new refineries, and closing a lot of the older ones. Both of the political parties have completly failed over the last 30 years to come up with any kind of workable energy policy. Lots of not in my backyard, which I understand totally I lived in Ill, right next to Shells huge refinery, it ruins the enviorment and the actually doesnt just smell bad, I can even taste it, driving back in to visit my family. I belive that oil will steady out around 50$ a barrel and stay that way for the next few years. This is just a taste of what it will be like in 10-15 years if major changes dont occur. I think the last 30$ a barrel oil was pumped a few years ago. The companies are going further and drilling deeper for less oil with more risk. Hydrogen sounds neat but I understand it costs more energy to produce than it makes so that unless something changes is a dead end. Coal is dirty and most easy deposits are mined or at least being back out mined which is very dangerous. It seems to me we have waited untill its almost too late to start building more nuclear plants. I know they can be safe, The reactor on a submarine can run a pretty decent sized town. Sorry about my rant here. Its a subject near and dear to my heart.
I work for Chevron in Lafayette La. it looks bad on the eastern gulf area, not to mention the process plants, two major plants (malfunctions blew up parts of their process plants) that caused our gas to go up before the storm, now that this has hit some of the other major plants are out completely or should I say completely under water plus wind damage, We Will all pay for this one, one way or another.

Charlie its $2.85 here in billings. they say it will go up another .30 tonight.Wish i got more than 12 mpg. I hate filling up that 42 gal tank.Too bad it dont run on salt water!
:( cheer up everyone :cry: :cry: hey how about this, lets all get bicycles.. ok fine roller blades at least :oops: what do you say guys and girls ehh :D