I've been battling green hair algae for about a year now and it's very frustrating.
Here are my tank specs:
46 gal bow front
DIY 10 gal sump with refugium
2 Koralia 750
Tunze DOC Nano skimmer (pulls out only a couple ml of green **** a week)
50-60 lbs live rock
Use only RO/DI water for topoff and water changes (Instant Ocean salt mix)
AquaClear HOB filter with GFO and PhosGuard in separate media bags
Nitrates 0
Phosphates read 0 (Salifert test)
SG 1.025
pH 7.9 (can't seem to get it above this number... Kalk in ATO water?)
Temp 78-80
5 gal water changes every two to three weeks.
Mix of soft and hard corals
Handful of hermit crabs
Couple turbo snails
2 maroon clowns, Tomini Tang, Sixline Wrasse, Yasha Gobi shackin up with a pistol shrimp)
I've tried several things to get rid of the hair algae:
- Manually remove (just can't get to it all, even pulling the rocks out individually and scrubbing)
- I dipped my refugium rocks in diluted Hydrogen Peroxide (that actually worked, there's no more down there, PLUS I've permanently shut off the light down there) - NOT an option for all the rock in my display tank.
- Vodka dosing (clear water, no change in algae, not able to consistently dose because of multi-day work schedule)
- Sea Hares (gone through 4 of these guys- they ROCK when it comes to snarfing up the algae, but when it's gone, they die.. willing to try again and get some Nori sheets??)
- API Algaefix (tried this about 8 months ago, was inconsistent... giving it another go)
So now I have a couple hundred bucks saved up to get some new equipment.
I'm looking at either a GFO/Carbon reactor from BRS or a new skimmer (one to hang on the sump- no room in the refugium. Looking at Octopus BH-1000(100?) or Aquamaxx HOB)
Any advice would be appreciated!
Here are my tank specs:
46 gal bow front
DIY 10 gal sump with refugium
2 Koralia 750
Tunze DOC Nano skimmer (pulls out only a couple ml of green **** a week)
50-60 lbs live rock
Use only RO/DI water for topoff and water changes (Instant Ocean salt mix)
AquaClear HOB filter with GFO and PhosGuard in separate media bags
Nitrates 0
Phosphates read 0 (Salifert test)
SG 1.025
pH 7.9 (can't seem to get it above this number... Kalk in ATO water?)
Temp 78-80
5 gal water changes every two to three weeks.
Mix of soft and hard corals
Handful of hermit crabs
Couple turbo snails
2 maroon clowns, Tomini Tang, Sixline Wrasse, Yasha Gobi shackin up with a pistol shrimp)
I've tried several things to get rid of the hair algae:
- Manually remove (just can't get to it all, even pulling the rocks out individually and scrubbing)
- I dipped my refugium rocks in diluted Hydrogen Peroxide (that actually worked, there's no more down there, PLUS I've permanently shut off the light down there) - NOT an option for all the rock in my display tank.
- Vodka dosing (clear water, no change in algae, not able to consistently dose because of multi-day work schedule)
- Sea Hares (gone through 4 of these guys- they ROCK when it comes to snarfing up the algae, but when it's gone, they die.. willing to try again and get some Nori sheets??)
- API Algaefix (tried this about 8 months ago, was inconsistent... giving it another go)
So now I have a couple hundred bucks saved up to get some new equipment.
I'm looking at either a GFO/Carbon reactor from BRS or a new skimmer (one to hang on the sump- no room in the refugium. Looking at Octopus BH-1000(100?) or Aquamaxx HOB)
Any advice would be appreciated!