Ghetto Kirkland jlehigh's "hood"

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Hermit D Crab
Nov 20, 2003
I had to share the crazyness in my "hood" :shock:

I live in suburbia. You could even call it yuppie-town.. Hailed as a safe and often "rich" area with miles of lake front property in the greater Seattle area.

So what the hell is going on! In the past week there have been two news-worthy events within 2 miles of my place the latter happening IN MY YARD!!!

I'll ellaborate:
I got home at about 6:30 last night from Erik's place (Selling off his tank) with my georgous table coral and clam. I was working in the garage over my tank acclimating them when my wife enters and says "Hunny... There are cops all over our yard with GUNS and they blocked our cars in!!" So I ask calmly "Well did it look like they are coming toward us or past us" She wasnt sure, so I figure they are busting someone on the run. Then we here our door open! So I instantly open the garage (shirtless :) ) to get my wife out only to be waved back by 4 cops all carrying M-16's. Turns out it was just the girl we are letting stay with us through the winter (church missionary). Then a knock on the door. An officer asked me if my backyard had access to the adjacent property. So "right this way sir" I showed him a good route with a vantage point, but it quickly became apparent the line of sight was bad so I offered him my deck (sweet line of sight). I then took my wife and our friend into the basement and asked them to sit on the floor since the cop told me the gentlemen they were after had heavy stuff. So the three of us prayed for the man causing trouble and the safety of the brave officers and community for a little while. In the meantime officers were coming and going through our house and rumbling some furniture. Peaking out the basement window there were two cops stationed behind my boat and truck. Turns out my place proveded quite the cover between a high line of sight on the deck and multiple long vehicles (F-150 and Boat) :) Pretty cool! The rifles were georgous btw..

Well about 10min later the officer on the deck came down and told us the guy gave himself up THANK YOU LORD!! Big praise to the cops for their calm management of the situation and safety consideration of my family. Just had a dining room chair turned over on the deck to provide better cover for the officer positioned there..

I don't have much of the story but a gentlemen in my culdasac had shot an automatic rifle earlier triggering a call to the police by a neighbor. Given it took a while to get him to give-up he must have been distraut about something.. It caught the attention of about 15-20 officers anyway :|

So that's the more exciting story but just last week an innocent store-clerk (man) working at a mini-store/gas station at the bottom of my hill was killed brutally by a dude who had been drinking earlier that night at a near-by bar (Chinese resteraunt I go to) and returned to the store several hrs later just to shoot the poor clerk :( I just hate the thought of cold blooded murder.. that poor family :( I believe he had three children :mad:

To ice the cake we also had another house vacated in my culdasac I believe because of the drug dealing taking place. There was like 12 people living there and they trashed the house...


God bless our local police. They are class-acts through and through.
wow amazing storys ... glad everyone in your house is okay..

it is a crazy world we live in.. there is no dening that ... every day we get reminded
Wow! Thankfully you are all alright! I give the officers a lot of credit for keeping things calm and doing a good job. You just never know when or where crazy stuff is going to happen.

Were you able to get the coral and clam acclimated ok?
NaH2O said:
Were you able to get the coral and clam acclimated ok?

As a matter of fact I was :) I had just opened the bags to start a drip after they had finished temp acclimating, so they just had to hang out for a while.. Glad their were no bullets through the tank! :) With my luck only one bullet would have been fired and it would have been straight through my tank :eek: hehehe
Good to hear you and your family are ok man, that whole ordeal didn't sound like a whole bunch of fun. It looks like it doesn't matter where you live, something crazy is gonna happen close. 2 weeks ago, we had an ex-con running around in my neck of the woods, they haven't found him yet. Hope you stay safe!!
Next they will be knocking at your door for excessive electric use and bright lights :D
Come on Charlie, lets hear it. Did you answer the door in your tye dye shirt playing Dead Head music? Ok, what happened?
Well yesterday in Auburn we had this guy who had some emotional and personal problems really freak out on his wife and two adult daughters...he scared them really bad and they all fled the house exept one...he kind of held her there against her will. The other daugter and mom that escaped called us and we came running. As per SOP we took up a perimeter around his place with rifles and such, just in case. Anyway, so we are all under cover behind fences etc. This guy driving by sees us and then suddenly pulls into the target houses driveway! Then we see our man come outside and start to talk with him so we start to wonder if he is involved...Then another guy drives in and the first guy flags him down and he pulls in too! We are all like WTH? ......So that that draws our guy out even farther and the dude in the car points down our way, which draws our man completly into the open. Through binocs we see that he is shirtless, in shorts and doesn't appear armed. We don't want him to go back inside so our SGT decides to rush him. A bunch of us go running in all shouting get down and all and several cars come screaming in with lights and sirens. The two dudes who stopped there are practicaly "defacating" themselves amd are frozen stiff. The guy gives no fight and all turns out well. But when we talked to the guy who stopped we find out he stopped because he saw us and thought we were watching another house so he pulled in to watch "the show" little did he know he was "in the show"....He said when he saw us running and yelling and all the cars coming he was like "cool here we go...ahhh uh oh..."... lol
Man... That's kinda funny (only because it's over now and everyone is okay). I guess those guys won't go out of their way to be spectators again :)
Ok so when are you moving? :confused:

I left Chicago to get away from that stuff. It took me awhile to be able to sleep at night because I was used to sirens and loud music in cars going by every 15 minutes. :p

Sorry you and your family had to go through that! Glad all are doing fine.
Thanks Angelscrx,
(Tha wouldn't happen to be the pimp CRX I saw at the MidColumbia Event was it?)

Well we wont be moving anytime soon.. You cant find a house anywhere near my work for under 500K.. Shoot! Houses in my "Kirkland ghetto" dont drop below 400 these days..

Glad you got out of Chicago.. From what I hear things are really nasty there..
jlehigh said:
Thanks Angelscrx,
(Tha wouldn't happen to be the pimp CRX I saw at the MidColumbia Event was it?)

Yes that was my ride. Still a work in progress

jlehigh said:
Glad you got out of Chicago.. From what I hear things are really nasty there..

It is bad in some parts of Chi-town but not all. We lived where we could afford back then and unfortunately it wasn't the nicest neighborhoods. My family still lives there and I go back to visit but I don't stay long. :(