Giant pico

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
seattle, wa
As mentioned in a post a few days ago, I'm getting back into a reef with limited space and limited funds. By keeping things small and in one tank I can reduce my equipment costs and beg borrow and steal frags and rock from friends to make my livestock costs almost nil. Obvioulsy there will be costs I can't avoid like test kits and lighting and the tank and food and salt and so on, but where I can cut a cost without sacrificing quality, I'm going to...besides, I really don't have the space for a big tank.

Anyway, I've been trying to get things on 'paper' and thought I'd start a thread journaling the progress of the giant pico project. Why call it that? Well, it'll be an approximately 2.5 gallon reef in a 10 gallon tank. I like the idea of lots of volume relative to my live stock.

I'm leaning towards a bb display but am considering a dsb, 4 to 6 inches, in the fuge. I'd then have the chaeto above that.

Here are some initial drawings...