Glazing Choices for Large Tank

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Apr 8, 2005
Mountains of Vermont
I am working on designing a large tank for our new home. The tank will be built of reinforced cement. All of the plumbing will be through the cement and contained with in the vessel for the most part. There will be no need to drill or cut the glass which will be rectangular panels on the order of 36" to 48" tall by 72" wide. The actual aperture will be several inches less than the glazing as the glazing will be supported on all four edges. The tank level will be at least 6" less than the top of the glazing to allow for surges.

I am disincline to use acrylic and prefer glass. I have worked some with acrylic but for this large project prefer to work with glass for reasons of scratching (yes they can be buffed out) and aging (big concern).

I have worked with plate glass on past tanks. For this tank I am exploring the possibilities of tempered or laminated glass, possibly both. Does anyone out there have an aquarium made with tempered glass, laminated plate glass or laminated tempered glass? Experiences?

I have read three mentions of problems with de-lamination with laminated glass. One of the vendors I have queried on this suggested that the edges had not been sealed from the water and that water penetration along the lamination layer was the cause. Has anyone seen this? Procedures for sealing properly?

Since laminated glass is plastic and glass in layers what about aging? Does anyone know how long laminated glass lasts, specifically the plastic layer? The laminated windshields on my vehicles still look good after up to 20 years in the sun (1984, 1989, 1993 Dodge Caravans) but what about aquarium applications? Has anyone had or know of laminated glass that has been in an aquarium for a long time and how it fairs?

I have read about low iron glass like Starphire and similar ultra-clear glass and would be interested in hearing from anyone who has used them.

Any pointers, references, experiences, advice, snide remarks are appreciated. :)


in Vermont
where the pigs have gone to market...
Not quite the same Walter but here is some great info on delamination of both low e and tempered glass.
From memory thier a few manufactures, Starphire is made by PPG. and you can get it up to thicknesses of 1 3/8th, probibly the best of its kind

Here is another glass supplier, not laminated but goes to 3/4 of a inch

heres another good link for research for Laminated Glazing Applications.pdf
