Gold-Stripe Premnas biaculeatus babies - Sneak peek

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Aug 5, 2003
Hi all. Just a couple of shots of Day 13 Gold-stripe far so good..




- Elmo
That's awesome that you're able to raise the fry like you do! Clarkiis and now the Maroons :) You must be a proud papa now :p Aren't your maroons your pride and joy??? Good Job!!
Nice job elmo, i want some of these in the near future! Also i was curious if you knew the species name for the clowns near Diego Garcia that we cant get becuase its a military base???
Jiddy said:
Nice job elmo, i want some of these in the near future! Also i was curious if you knew the species name for the clowns near Diego Garcia that we cant get becuase its a military base???

The clown is Amphiprion chagosensis . Can't get them...because except for the island of Chagos, the rest of the islands of the Chagos Archipelago is a military no entry zone. Not only that....all the islands only accessible by boat.

There are a couple of clowns i'd love to have....but very very unlikely...those are Amphiprion omanensis, Amphiprion latifasciatus, Amphiprion chagosensis, Amphiprion mccullochi, and Amphiprion thiellei .

- Elmo
spykes said:
lets see skunks tomatos and binuculus clowns =D

One species at a time Spykes ;)

I do have a pair of Pink Skunks...newly we'll see.

I also have a lonely Tomato looking for male tomato, and a lonely female bicinctus waiting a mate.

- Elmo
Beckmola24 said:
That's awesome that you're able to raise the fry like you do! Clarkiis and now the Maroons :) You must be a proud papa now :p Aren't your maroons your pride and joy??? Good Job!!

Hi Becky. Yes their parents are. How is your clarkii doing? Still eating?

Do they have laws against that Elmo? I know its a 10,000 for killin a crab there, its British law, so.... Also, do you think if somone gots some there, they could "mail" them back here safelY?
Hmm...i'm not sure Jidz. I havent really looked into that.....but now since you mentioned it...

- Elmo
Elmo18 said:
How is your clarkii doing? Still eating?

I had her in a 20 gallon tank, but she can't see and always bumped into everything so I moved her over to a smaller tank and she is doing a LOT better. It has low flow so she's able to snick things off of the bottom of the tank. She is much more active there too. Other than the pinching behind her eyes and the fact that she can't see, she's doing 100% better :) Thanks for asking!