Good Day At The River

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Mar 26, 2006
Well, I took a BREAK from the tanks and went fishing. Glad I did :D. My catch for the day was 10 pinks ( only good for smoking ) only kept 3 and a few kings but could only bring in 1 :(. All-in all had a blast. Here are a few pics

My CORALS/FISH go nuts over EGG'S. As DonW would say blowing the lid off my skimmer :D.

Nice fishes!

I haven't gone fishing for so long :( I don't even own a rod now, but I'd like to get back into it one day. I remember fishing from the pier a lot, when i was younger. Hah.

Ya, when you guys are ready give me a shout. Went today and got another king and a mess load of pinks. So many pinks I was kicking them back just to keep fishing or I would have had my limit and had to jet. Would post some pics but by the time I got home, with the fish laying in the river all day they didn't look brite. See what I can catch tomorrow.
Take my camera this time
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Hey Tracy - I am definitaly on my way over to try some out!

Mike - you want to carpool out there?
No guys I did this all on my own. Have a few years under my belt and alot of wasted fish :(. Tryed lots and lots of different ways to jar it, onions,garlic,olive oil,peppers,bbq sause.teryaki,etc and anything else I could find. Even tryed smoking it then pressure cooking it ( came out hard as a rock ). The best way all this time was raw, little salt and liquid smoke.
If your wondering why the rings on the jars are gone. Thats becouse after you cook them you should remove the rings and wash off the jars. They were cooked at 11lb pressure for 100min.

PS guys your welcome to some if you like :D
Post some more pics tomorrow ( killed um again today ) " silvers are in "
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Can't wait to try it. My dad used to smoke and can (jar) his own fish. Then he got lazy and found a good cannery in Ilwako he liked. Had a commercial licence.
oh myyyyyy,,i loved it ,,,can i trade j/k:D:):D
wow!!!you're the man,,know how to fish and know how to cook..:),,could you do the same thing to the egg?
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No steven. The ones you caught I put in my sump. My tang was picking on them.
PS Lets see some pics of your fish you fish killer. I seen you walk out with three the other day.
Thanks for stickin up for me Tracy. I am going to cut your line next trip to the river. Or i will just go to the other side and walk up to the log jam!