Good heater

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Hey Bill,

I have several glass heaters that for some reason keep breaking in their lifetime. They last years but they just break when ever you are not around. And these bring problems when least expected. So recently i tried the ones that are made with plastic casing outside? Not sure of the brand, i believe they are Oceanic? So far so good, but too early to tell. And i believe they are reasonably priced too.
I have a titanium heater in my 90. The
Controller is separate, I believe it's a 250w. It was used on my buddies setup for a few years, and has been on mine for the last 5 with no problems, I'll check on the brand.
all heater ,,titanium, stainles or glass heater they all go bad and short out after a period of time ,,this is musted have they own circuits with GFI or CGFI and titanium ground probe with ,,,i called it saved

for glass heater buy the one that come with lifetime warranty,,buy one they last forever,,happy reefing

for the last 10 years i'd been trough with all kind of heater including Fennix and finnix controller,,belived me i know them all:smash:
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I happen to like Ebo-Jager heaters.
I have a couple that are still working after 12+ years.
They are glass and must be treated like glass.
more on heaters...don't trust them!!! Ive had one go bad in the full on and cook a tank. I currenty control with my apex...heater controllers should be a must but if not using one you can use 2-3 underpowered heaters so if one goes bad it won't cook your tank. in saltwater with glass heaters you have to worry about breaking them if you are clumsy in your sump...and mineralization can be a pain to get off. +1 on the ebo-jager as I hearall good. don't buy aquatraders brand I have 3 so far go bad and was the one that cooked tank, the other two burned out in a few months. also have had a new 400w marineland that would barely get warm but I din't notice untill winter. again, bottom line is don't trust them!
I'm with Marty on this one, have used Ebo-Jager heaters for about 30 years without any issues related to them (forgetting to unplug them while doing a water change... :doh: my bad) Their sand packed element chamber has a really solid long-term proven track record. I have looked into buying a Titanium style to replace some of my older units but haven't as yet.

Cheers, Todd
On my old 180 I had a reef keeper lite controlling 2 won brothers titanium heaters and it never fluctuated more than 1 degree. But I dont have them now . I am trying to stay cheap on my build buts heaters shouldn't be messed with. I had a freind and his heater blew up and it actually blew the front of the tank out and killed everything. He had water every where and said it smelled terrible in his place for a month. So I just want to get something reliable. I think I may go with 2 -250 watt heaters instead of 1- 500 watt heater.
IMO for 100g, and depending on heat, lights and equiptment, I wouldn't go higher than 2x150w should suffice and if one of them goes in the full on, then hopefull it wouldn't cook your tank. just sayin that a single 250w stuck on in the summer could def cook it.
I think I may go with 2 -250 watt heaters instead of 1- 500 watt heater.

Two is always better than one.... Redundancy is what Im talking about. If one goes out, and believe me, it will go out... At least the other can take over.... even for a day or two while your are out buying a replacement. My heater is connected to the arduino reef controller I mad 2 years ago... so far so good.

The only reason I kill my heaters is when Im stealing them from my main tank and use it to warm my fresh salt mix.... The transfer from warm water to cold water is not a good idea.... Now, I have one just for that... a marineland stealth... made of plastic....

Hmmmm but wait.... with a quick google search..... I got this...


Now im having second thought....
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I noticed the other night that one of our Anemones was missing. Went to check it out and our tank was above 86 degrees! And said anemone was NOT a happy camper. The next day it's down to 72! So I took Mfinn and TJL's advice and purchased a Ebo-Jager which arrived today. Hoping for good things from it! Thanks for posting this thread and for everyone's feedback.