Good story with a sad ending

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Oct 7, 2003
Gig Harbor Wa
Well, after all my fish got food poisoning, my tank has been rather empty. I still havent decided whether I am breaking it down or not so I havent restocked or anything (doesnt help that I am dirt poor right now either :D )

Anyway, my fiance calls me on thursday and tells me that there is a suprise waiting for me in my tank. Well I rush home to find a really super cute six line wrasse swimming happily, although warily in my tank. I made sure he was eating and let him be. Well the next morning, I couldnt find him, but the lights had not come on yet so I checked again after work. I found him this time.

One of my spaghetti worms (a really big purple one) was trying unsuccessfully to eat him. He was compeltely eaten on his back half and his front was nice and perfect. (I suspect the hermits)

Im really sad because he looked happy and I asked how long he was aclimated for and it was over an hour. he was looking really healthy and he ate a little on thursday night. Im sad he died, but really happy with my fiance. He knows better than to add things to the tank, but since there were no other fish, its fine. I love that his interest in the tank is growing.

I thought about buying another six line and putting it in the tank and not telling him, but I didnt want to lie to him. (not the best way to start a marriage)

Hes really bummed out that little "Pez" passed on. I think I will replace him with a leopard or a flasher wrasse.

So I guess its good that my boyfriend likes my tank enough to do research on fish and spend his money on them, but sad that the little guy didnt make it. I didnt even have a chance to phtograph him. :cry:
Oh! thats a tough story......... but i have to admit that your fiance is quite the guy it sounds like.

on another note, i had a similar situation. It was valentines day and I walked into my room to find my tank wrapped in red paper with "NO PEEKING" written all over it with hearts..... Ill admit, i was worried (We all know how much money is sunk into our tanks) but my girlfriend is a smart girl, so I bided my time till i was allowed to peek. WHen I opened up the paper, low and behold there was a brand new clownfish swimming in the tank! I was incredibly impressed, not so much with the present as I was with the fact that she did all this research and learned the proper aclimation techniques and everything with compatability with my other fish. Unfortunately, the fish died within 48 hours as it came down with brookynella........ but it was the thought that counted!

keep your boytoy interested! it will be a good hobby for both of you to have as you continue to live together!
Bummer on the losses Re:I think I will replace him with a leopard or a flasher wrasse

Hi Rachel I am sorry to hear about your Sixline & prior tank losses I cant remember how big your tank is ? How long has it been up? Have you done any chemistry on the current water? Those Sixlines are ussally very tough Mine is a bully to my Leopard wrasses. If you do decide to go with them make sure you have a good sand bed and a good tank full of Pods and small other bugs for It to eat he Leopards are one of the Hardest Wrasse's to care for...Good luck and I hope you tank turns for the better.