Green lettuce nudibranch turned yellow

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Jan 2, 2005
I have a lettuce nudibranch that's about a month old (that is, I bought him a month ago, I've no idea how old he really is). It seemed to be doing fine. I have a little hair alge and I'm hoping he's one of the lettuce nudi's that eat it.

He's been the same standard green color that I've always seen lettuce nudi's. I went away for a week and just got back last night. Over that time he's turned yellow! Might be a little green in his color still, but it's very yellow. The edge of its frills are red as well. Over the week I was gone, I had a roommate doing the same tank maintanence that I do, so the chemistry shouldn't have changed much (haven't checked the water yet, but I will today). And the foods added were the same as well.

The nudibranch seems fine; no tears or breakdown of any kind that I can see. His color just changed. I did a lot of searching on google and found nothing on this. Also called a few LFSs and no one had heard of it before. Many of the web pages I found mention the variability in color within the species, but nothing mentioned variability of a single nudibranch.

Anyone have any insight as to what might be going on?
I don't know anything about the color change! However they can be hard to get to eat. Depending on what he’s eating it may have something to do with the color? You may find more information here
Mine morphed also. Orginally they were a light green and speckled, now they are a very dark green the frills are even darker wih red tips. Mine kept going with no problems.
