Green Star Polyp problem

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Jul 15, 2006
OK........ I know that they pretty much grow anywhere but.......My GSP which have been in the tank for 6 months have stop opening, All the paramaters are normal except for ALK which is high but it has been for a long time which I am trying to get down with water changes. Torch and frog spawn coral are fine, RTA and Ricorrdia Yuma are fine but my GSP have stop opening 3 days ago. Nothing really has changed to create a change. 55 g tall, RODI water, plenty of flow, 150 watt MH 130 watt PC lighting, 15 gal sump, suggestions?

As always Thanks in advance:)
any changes to cause this???

id say just let em go, if your other things arnt dieing, then the gsp are probly doing soemthing like spawning or something....

mine do that from time to time, but when they open back up they will be happy ageain...

purple when closed?
Maybe at night your anenome could be walking on them stinging them.

I have had mine close for a couple of weeks and then open one day looking fine. Also have you checked for flatworms? They could be irritating them.

They have been in the same place for 3-4 months, my RBT stays put so he has nothing to do with it, I have some small emeral crabs but they (3) have been in ther for months, and yes, purple mat when closed. Thanks to all for you suggestions.
Flat Worms

I have not seen any unusual visitors at night but maybe I am missing something, what should I be looking for in flat worms? Also if I had some wouldn't they be affecting other living creatures?
