Greetings from the east..

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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New member
Dec 2, 2011
Ft. Benning, GA/ Charlotte, NC
Hello to all of you, My name is Jordan and i currently live in Ft. Benning Georgia, I am in the army but will be done with that soon and will probably be moving to arizona later in i thought i would get on here and see how the reef community is out there, and maybe pick up some different tips from a different region.....i have had a tank for about a year now....started as a fowler system but quickly became a reef system which quickly became 2 tanks one reef and one has more recently became 3 i have an adiction i but the tanks i have are a 30 gallon reef stocked with two clowns, scopas tang, six line wrasse, multiple zoanthid colonies, a big wellso, couple trumpet corals, an elegance coral and some other stuff, my fowler tank is a 20 gallon with two clowns and a sand sifting goby...and my most recent purchase was a 14 gal biocube with a clown and some mushrooms....I also have a 125 gal that will be a build thread when i move out there....but right now it is just taking up space..but i look forward to meeting everyone on here.
Hey Jordan, a BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers and a BIG Thank You for serving our country. Hope you enjoy it hear, there is a great bunch of people here who share thier knowledge openly and without alot of Drama.

Cheers, Todd
Welcome aboard Jordan!! Good to have you here! :welcome:. Looking forward to seeing some photos of your setup!! I'm sure you will enjoy your time here. :)

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Weclome, nice to have posters from the east. I'm 15 minutes east of Fort Stewert bet you've been there before
LOL 1. yes i am on RASOC..same username
2. Im an idiot....i had googled Arizona Reef clubs..looking for somethignlocal and for whatever reason this site pooped i see it is national..but i am glad to be here..i have already been flipping through the resource pages...and i am glad google brought me here, seems to be a wealth of knowledge and experience here....but i am still looking for something local in arizona if anyone knows of anything out that way let me know...just trying to scope out the local scene out there.....appreciate the warm welcome and look forward to getting to know the regulars on here....drama
Hey Jordan welcome aboard!! I went ahead and gave you a Military Badge, we like to recognise our members that have serve for us.
