hair algea

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I learned about 3 months ago that my main problem was the water I was using. As soon as I got an RO unit the die off began. I still have some so I am now looking into a DI addon unit.

Another thing that is helping me is the Macro algea Charlie gave me to add to My sump.

Hope that helps a little.

Oh one more thing, watch how much you feed that may also add to your problem if your overfeeding
Many things can cause this Elevated phosphate levels from your water, or from excessive feeding, Poor Water flow, Long light/photo period , attached to some new specimen ,a dead decaying item, a new tank cycling, elevated nitrates or other tank water parameters being way off, maybe even old light bulbs or and old sand bed , Do you own any snails ? So let us know the condition of your tank in detail so someone can help you let us know the age and size of the tank if you run a skimmer if you have or are running carbon when you last cleaned any mechanical filtration When was the last time you did a water change do you have a sand bed how old do you have live rock how much and how many fish (bio-load) do you use any kind of water filtration and can you test for these: ph,salinity,alkalinity,phosphates,nitrates,ammonia Have you tried to rub off and immediately siphon as much as possible while doing a water change or siphoned the sand bed Do you drip calk? (Some people get it with everything seemingly o.k. and tried an animal to eat it like a sea hair but that can die once it runs out of food) anyway more info.might help :)
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