hang on skimmer recommendations

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May 17, 2007
looking for recommendations for a hang on skimmer to replace my red sea prism, just can't seem to get on with it. basically i am after a skimmer of a similar design to the red sea. i like the way a majority of the skimmer is hidden below the tank so that when the hood is on you just see about an inch of the skimmer top.
I'll second the Remora skimmer. Go with at least the maxijet to power it, best if a Mag 3 is driving it. I have one on my QT system (20gal.long) does the job quite well.

I have the Remora C Pro with the skimmer box and the Mag 3, can't say enough good about it. I have the drain fitting out of the collection cup so I don't have to empty it all of the time, have a hose attached to a three gallon water jug underneath in the cabinet. I can adjust the collection cup to skim clear or funky. I don't know if there is a better hob out there.
thanks for the replies, only problem is getting hold of a remora skimmer in the UK. had a google but it looks like its mainly sold in the USA.
scince your in england, the best hang on skimmers would be;





all of these are good hang on skimmers that perform great!
this last one is actually an in tank skimmer, but it looks like a black overflow box, very inobtrusive, and it's a great skimmer

i actually rather dislike the aqua c remora, i think it's a sluggish piece of crap, imo.
i actually rather dislike the aqua c remora, i think it's a sluggish piece of crap, imo.

(If that's how you rate a Remora---I'd hate to hear what adjectives should be used for a Red Sea Prizm :shock: ;) :shock:)

+1 for the Remora.
I'm no expert--like skimerwhisper is--but I like my RemoraPro MUCH MUCH better than my old Red Sea Prizm "Deluxe" P-I-T-A!

No more priming, no more fiddling with venturi tubes--just plug it in and watch it foam, Foam, FOAM!

If cost is an issue, it should be noted that only the Deltec MC 300 is in the same range as a Remora..... (RemoraPro, $168 EUR on eBay.)
I wish my AquaC Remora would foam, foam, foam. It doesn't seem to do much. I've never got more than 1/4" of skinmate out of it. :cry:
I have the CPRBakPak that I modified with a wood airstone and it dramatically improved the performance. I get lots!! of foam and lots of green gunk if I run it medium dry. I like to run mine wet most of the time :)
Actually the Remora kinda suck as skimmer when compared to a real skimmer.
My cheapo needle wheel modded JEBO 180 pulls more skimmate in one day than the Remora can pull in a week.

Here are some better alternatives and cheaper too.


heck even the Rio is a better skimmer than the Remora
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