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Jan 15, 2012
Burke, SD
Hello, Ive had a reef aquarium for a couple years now. I moved from Omaha (originally from SC south dakota) to Burke and am trying to get my tank healthy again. I had several nice corals that I lost and a clown in my 29 Gal Biocube. Just looking to make friends and find some good places in SD to get some corals. I haven't found much in Sioux Falls and was dissapointed in their selection.
Welcome to RF! :welcome:. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. Unfortunately it happens to even the best in this hobby. We have a great community of members and sponsors here so I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

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Thanks. Where do you guys have the best luck getting new corals and fish. I've tried Reefs2go.com and was not happy with their tiny corals that didn't live long.