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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
Hey everybody. My name is Sean. I am located here at JBLM. I just got my tank back up to working order. I have been here since November, and have had some issues getting it back up to par. I am glad to be here and look forward to posting and meeting new folks.
Hey Sean...welcome to RF. Tell us a little more about your system. What size is it. What do you have for livestock. Are you keeping any coral or is it a FOWLR tank.
Looking forward to pictures when you can post them.
I have a 72g Bow Front, with a 30g sump. Right now for livestock I have a lawnmower blenny, and a clown goby. I have to start over on my coral. I left it with a buddy in WV when I moved from MD, and his system crashed and I lost all of my stuff :( I will post pics as soon as I can. How many posts do I need to post a pic?
Where were you living in MD. I moved out here from Annapolis in june 1996.

Welcome to WA!
I was at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Not too far from Annapolis. Thank you for the welcome.
Welcome and glad to see you here and if you like coffee I know the best place. It's on Murray. Can't wait to see your tank now.
Welcome to RF! Be sure to post some pics and toss out any questions you may have. :)

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This is what it used to look like

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Welcome to RF! Nice tank! I bet the bow in front helps with the water circulation! I have a 90 gallon wave tank and besides a dead spot in each corner the water moves around really nicely with the curves! We all love pics on here so post more soon!


Welcome to RF !!

First, thank you for your service to our country !!

Second, nice pics..I like the green electric hammer on the sandbed.