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Apr 29, 2012
I'm relatively new her to RF. I have had one of my reef tanks for about a year, but recently acquired another and swapped my coral into the "newer" tank. One is a 29 gallon Coralife Biocube with compact fluorescents and the 2 of the additional blue leds added to it. So it has a total of 3 lunar blue leds. It is full of various softies. My other tank is a 5 gallon ecopico desktop reef. It has the ecoxotic leds. It has various softies and a few sps that seem to be doing well still. As far as my eco pico goes, i think im not going to stock it more for awhile. i wanted to do dwarf sea horse in it since there is relatively low current. I also have gargonia which i think would make a good place to hitch up. I would like to add a few more fish to my 29gallon. any suggestions?
Blennies and Gobies are some great smaller fish that would do well in the 29. Bengai cardinals and pajama cardinals would do well.
Just be careful you dont overload the ecopico. Noticed you said it has softies and sps. Sps likes clean water and the softies like a lil dirtier water. Also, if you get to many fish, the seahorse(s) will have to compete for the food.
If I read it right, hes looking to add fish to the 29, not the pico. I wouldnt suggest any of these fish for the pico.
Welcome to RF, seems you Have a bit of experience, that always helps. Excited for you to.hit your post requirements so we can see pics of your biocube, and Your pico. Sounds awesome to Have a desktop reef tank

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post some pictures when you can. I have been considering a small reef tank for my desk as well.

thanks for the thread
Pices is right blenny are awesome to have as well as a colourful goby.
Can't go wrong with clown fish whether their black or orange :)
I also had a royal gramma that was beautiful color for a small tank.
Good luck post pictures :)

Also if you have a deep sand bed. You could go with a pistol shrimp and a paired goby :)
Those are super cool :)
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