Hello from Pennsylvania

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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reef rider

Active member
Feb 12, 2011
Been roaming around the site a bit. Looks great. I've been in the hobby a few years. At this time I' running a 30 gal reef, 3 yrs running. I'm in the process of my first DIY build, a 65 gal reef. Finding some good info here. Anyone from Pa.?
Hey Reef Rider welcome aboard!, I think we have a few member from your area, hope you enjoy

Welcome to RF!! :welcome:. Hope you enjoy it here and looking forward to seeingt your new build! DIY's are the best! :)
welcome! good to see someone who lives some place other than Washington, ... just sayin :dance:
Welcome to RF

I grew up just south of Youngstown Ohio.

Tell us about your tank. Better yet lets see!!!!
Do't think that there are many of us, but there is at least 1, LOL I am far NE on lake Erie near the PA border