Hello from Spain...with my Nano Tank.

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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New member
Nov 2, 2011
Alicante / Spain.
Hello everybody, this is my first visit to this site and hope to learn and enyoy a lot with you all.
Here I show you today one of my 2 Nanos........
JBJ Nano Cube 24g. tank with canopy removed.
Skimmer Deltec Mc300
Maxspect 60w Led Lamp + 24w SPS/LPS Power Led Bar.
Wave Maker Boyu MW2 .
Only Soft Corals Tank: Xenias,Sympodium,Briareum,zoanthus......
Fish: 2 Spotted Cardinalfish ; 2 tank-Bred Ocellaris.

NanoNano from Spain.........
Hey, welcome to RF. Very interested in seeing your tank and hearing more about it.
WELCOME! you will find so much help and information here, this is a great community! I cant wait to see some pictures...
Welcome aboard!! It will be neat taking a peek at how things are done in different parts of the world, looking forward to it.
