Hello Reef Frontiers - Lee's Bio

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
May 22, 2006
I truly appreciate the opportunity to contribute, help and support Reef Frontiers in the Marine Fish Discussion Forum. I'd like all who are regulars and those who are new to get to know me a bit better.

I don't spend much time in other Forums here on Reef Frontiers. Just too much for one person to do! However, if you see a post you would like to invite me to participate in, please send me a PM. Regarding PMs, I usually don't reply to them. Please read this: PMs May Go Unanswered. If I spend time helping a person with a problem that other people have or may come across, I will never be able to help as many people as I could. So if you have a problem, question, or observation to report, post it in this forum and I will most likely participate. If you specifically want my participation and you haven't seen it yet, then do send me a PM with a link to the thread.

I don't post just to say, "I agree." I usually only post when I can contribute to the discussion with additional information. I usually don't post to questions about 'what fish to buy?' That is a very personal choice. There are so many fishes to choose from. Part of the excitement in the hobby is the choice. So I don't recommend fishes, except if the question has to do with a proposed compatibility.

I will usually get involved in a thread if I see a myth or mis-information being mentioned. I think there is enough 'voodoo' in this hobby without it spreading. I don't like rumors; yet I want to hear of true anecdotal information (but expect me to be "hard" on the person providing the information). If anecdotal information contradicts known facts, I will quickly speak up! In this context, please post any question you have on your mind, marine fish related. Maybe you just want to check out some advice your local fish store (LFS) or friend or some other posting person has given you. That is your right.

You have a right to read about and learn things about this hobby. So few new hobbyists want to read, unfortunately. But for those who do read, you’ll find my posts detailed and usually easy to follow with some good suggestions. Ask questions about any detail of any of my posts. But if you continue to post questions or make statements which show you haven't read the links and references provided, I will usually stop responding. Over the next two months I'll be posting many detailed stickies which I will refer to in my posts.

It is also your right to know and understand the credentials of anyone you take advice from. Ask the person how long they've been in the hobby? How many fishes have they kept? What is their education and experience? All these things you want to be sure about before you take advice. Lastly you want to know if the person you're hearing the advice from has something to sell (products, books, lectures, papers, website sales, etc.). Then, take into account any other motivating factors that person may have.

To this end, I have included here my own background and answers to those same questions. I've been asked on more than few occasions about my background. I'll outline it here for those who are interested:

1960 My first freshwater aquarium;
1968 My first saltwater aquarium;
1969 to 1973 Ohio State Univ. (OSU)
1973 to 1982 Working in Microbiological fields
1982 to current Working in metals fields - traveling around the world

(Yes. I'm old! My oldest fish just turned 18 years in captivity.)


In the early 1970's I conducted experiments and studies on Marine Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans) and ornamental fish diseases, the use of garlic, the use of antibiotics, the use of dips, acclimation procedures, and fish nutrition. I produced my own homemade marine fish foods which sold in the Columbus, OH area while I attended OSU. Also while there I was part owner of a marine only fish store. Yes. I was an LFS! (Don't hold that against me though).

After the Horge Cortes-Jorge Jr. article, Garlic versus 'Marine Ich': Diallyl thiosulfinate activity against Cryptocaryon irritans infestations of marine fish of 2000, from 2005 to 2008 inclusive I conducted some additional garlic juice tests. Fresh garlic juice might prove to be more useful.

I used a 6-sectioned 70 gallon tank, using only the middle 4 sections. One fish in each section. All fishes of one species of Damsel. Garlic juice was of two brands off the LFS shelf except when I made my own. Juice was added to homemade food the fish were exclusively fed. Commercially prepared foods were soaked in it. All fish were healthy at first. Microscopically they seemed to be disease/parasite free and without health issues. They were then infected with Marine Ich and the experiment began when they all displayed. A ‘set’ is with each of the 4 sections contains one-fish each, test running/stopping in 3 months.

2 sets (8) fish were tested, feeding garlic to half the fish at each feeding. 2 fish lived past 3 months; one on garlic, one not on garlic.

2 sets (8) fish were tested, all fish were fed garlic. 1 fish lived past 3 months.

1 set (4) fish were not fed any garlic. 1 fish lived past 3 months

2 sets (8) fish were tested, feeding fresh garlic juice to half the fish at each feeding. 1 fish lived past 3 months.

1 set (4) fish were tested, fresh garlic juice added to water at 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons. No fish lived past 3 months.

Living fishes were microscopically tested and found to be infected with the Marine Ich parasite.

1 set (4) fish were tested, no garlic juice. Given treatment with Cupramine. all 4 fish were alive at the 3 month mark. All fish tested microscopically to be free of the Marine Ich parasite.

I cannot detect any improvement or advantage to using fresh garlic juice to cure marine fish of Marine Ich.

I specialize in FOWLR system and FO systems. I have handled about 1800+ marine fishes and have learned a lot about their maladies and remedies through experience, biopsy/post mortem exams, dissection, operations under anesthesia, care, and continued education.

I have degrees in Microbiology and Chemistry from OSU. As mentioned, I was partner of an LFS in Columbus, OH in the early '70's, imported fishes from The Philippines, and helped begin the net-catching practices (abolishing cyanide collections) there in the Philippines. This was during the Marcos years.

I often attend conventions and hobby activities around the world. I attend college extension courses on marine fish care and diseases. I speak with several authors on these subjects you may have heard about (e.g., Noga).

I try to share my knowledge and experience with others to help their fishkeeping practices and the curing of ill marine fishes. My current marine setup can be reviewed here: Lee’s Marine Systems

My current work is in product compliance and I work with domestic and international government regulators and technical experts. I am a representative to the UN for the USA as well as representing US interests in various ISO Technical Committees. This work requires my travel about 100 days out of each year. I still handle my posting commitments while traveling, although my participation times may vary.

Usually, I am online very early in the morning Pacific Time for sure (usually before dawn), and then throughout the day as I can. I end my participation in the early evening Pacific Time, so if there is a post after 6 p.m. PT, I may not respond until early the next morning. That is usually the largest ‘gap’ in my response time. I have to do tank maintenance at some time!

I do not publish for remuneration, but will write long posts and informational posts on the Internet. I don't make any money nor accept any money or compensation from the hobby in any way, including speaking engagements, articles, posts, books, etc. I don't have any (financial or business) interest in any equipment, system, food, medication, or product used, sold, or made for the hobby. I offer nothing for sale. I participate in my (not-so-local) marine aquarium society (So. CA Marine Aquarium Society) by volunteering some time. I like posting on the Internet. I can update my posts to keep them current and fresh with the latest information and not get trapped into a published, static piece of information. The Internet provides me a dynamic means of communicating to a relatively large group of readers.

Well, that is probably more than you want to know about me! But if you have any questions or comments regarding me, myself, or I, please post to this thread.

My Internet name is leebca. My name is Lee Birch. (I go by my middle name -- my first name is William). :thumbs:
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