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New member
Nov 11, 2010
Bellingham WA
Hello and thanks to all of you for sharing ideas, successes and set backs! It has been said many times and is well worth repeating: the info and people of this forum are invaluable to us "newbs". Thanks!

I've been learning and playing with this hobby off and on for a few years now. This time around I got the itch to do a nano tank. About a year ago I started with a 10 gallon and eventually moved in some softies. That ten turned into a 20,.... and now this weekend it turned into a 30 (30 extra tall, I like the small footprint)! When things get established and doesn't look like hurricane aftermath I'll get some photos up.

Its currently a mixed tank:
Leather toadstool
kenya tree
4 varieties of mushrooms
yellow star polyps
green star polyps
ricordea mushroom
corky sea finger gorgonian
eagle eye and radioactive green zoanthids
neon green hydnophora
torch coral

Six line wrasse
pink banded watchman goby
couple false percula clowns
and CUC

The tank won't have anything rare (read expensive), I'm still captivated and happy with the common critters!

So again thanks for all the previous help and future help I'm sure to get.

Cheers and happy reefing!