
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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But seriously.

Hi. Relative noob to salt, actually all true fish tanks actually. First tank is 7 months along and doing well. When I figure out where build threads go, I'll do it up.

Heard about this board from the new LFS, Oceans By Design, and thought I'd check it out.

Welcome to RF!!

So tell us alittle more about your tank..size? reef only? mixed reef ??

Since you are new to the hobby, I would recommend getting the following book:

The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists (Microcosm/T.F.H. Professional): Robert M. Fenner, Matthew L. Wittenrich, Scott W. Michael, Alf Jacob Nilsen, Christopher Turk: 9781890087999: Amazon.com: Bo

this book will answer most of the questions you will prolly have (and/or ask) :)

if not, just ask away, the people here are knowledgeable and friendly.

Basic tank details:


I've got an Apex reef controller and a Tunze ATO, and I've modified the tank several ways including:

swapped LEDs for the MH
mangroves 'mounted' over the fuge
replaced stock pump
modded right lid and rim to accommodate skimmer
modded left lid to accommodate additional lighting
glass lid replaced with DIY mesh lid to control overheating
all stock filtration replaced with media baskets / macro algae fuge

There's more. I just can't remember the other times I whipped out the dremel.

It's a mixed reef, with 5 fish, 4 flavors of zoas, a birdsnest, duncans, one (or two) mushrooms, a trumpet coral and a monti cap. For inverts, there's two maximinis, one pistol shrimp, one fire shrimp one brittle star, a lettuce sea slug, five types of snails and three types of hermit crabs.

I'm pretty much done stocking the tank, except I'd like some pulsing xenias and a single crocea or maxima clam.

Everything is thriving, and thus far, the only losses were: a frag of superman monti that didn't survive a drive up from Portland, OR and the zoo frag that brought bryopsis into my tank. I also had a small purple mushroom that decided it didn't want to stay on the plug, but I have no idea if that is surviving in hiding somewhere, blending into the coralline or if it's gone to the great reef in the sky.

I did have a dracula goby that was determined to carpet surf, having squeezed out of my QT somehow, but that's not my fault if it wanted to go for a walk.
Hello RollerMonkey,
And welcome to RF:clap2:. I see you on the other forum also. Enjoy there's some great folks here.
The fish in the box o' water are:

Helfrichi Firefish
MacNeill's Assessor Basselet
Dracula Goby
SA 'Vivid Fancy' Occelaris Clownfish bonded pair

Pretty sure all of them came from the LiveAquaria Diver's Den except the 'replacement' Dracula Goby.
Welcome to RF
Look forward to seeing your build/mod thread. We see most of them in the "Members Showcase" forum.
There is also the "Nano Reefs - The Small But Mighty Tanks" forum.
Will catch up with you in one of those forums.
Shoot, now I have a second tank and I haven't ever made a build thread for the first!

(Too many forums, too much calculus homework.)
Well thats just unacceptable! Get busy! You have two build threads to do now! LOL. seriously...get busy! ;)
I keep my build threads pretty well up to date at Nano-Reef... I am also mostly inactive on three other reef forums, and very, very active on two rollercoaster forums. (Seriously, I have over fifty-thousand posts on one of them.) Then there's the addictiveness of Bookface...

Couple that with being a sophomore engineering major, and well, you get the point.

I'm probably never going to make a build thread for the Biocube, but the new tank I can probably do.
Hey rollermonkey I'm the guy that picked up the cube from you! When you mentioned your thread I knew I had read through it before so I went back and found it. Man is that build SLOW OR WHAT! Hahaha.

On a good note, ENGINEERING BABY! It's always cool to meet fellow engineering students. Don't worry if you haven't already found out all those calc classes pay off. Being able to apply all the crazy math to physics and dynamics is SWEET, ok well maybe only sweet looking back but it's interesting stuff (OK, aside from the head smashing and long nights). I still have a long way to go, kinda went on a detour but mechanical engineering is still in the future....hopefully.
Really? Where are you in school?

I'm taking classes at Bellevue College. I'm in my 5th quarter full-time, but I had a few classes previously, too. Right now I'm taking (Engineering) Physics 121, Calculus 2 and (Engineering) Statics.
I was going to Shoreline but I switched over to Everette because they have a better engineering program, it seemed at times shorelines was almost obsolete. Just as a heads up, which I'm sure you're already figuring this out....THAT is gonna be a hard quarter, the physics and statics class will have a lot of the same material but at least for me the physics class got crazy hard as the weeks went on. The good thing is when you take Calc 3 it will be a breeze, there is a lot of engineering overlap since you cover torque, and 3-d vectors/planes and the gravity stuff in the classes you are taking currently.

GOOD LUCK those are tricky classes if you haven't been exposed to them before hand, I struggled through but the classes I took afterwards like calc 3 where easier.
Yeah, my advisor warned me this was going to be a rough quarter, too. So far I'm doing fine, I just hope to keep my GPA up where it is. (3.38) Winter quarter is going to be Dynamics, Calc 3 and Physics 2. Spring is going to be fun, too: Mechanics of Materials, Calc 4 and Linear Algebra. Summer should be Chem 161 and Japanese 122.

In other words, no fluff classes as far as the eye can see.


How much longer do you have?
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you might be surprised but that Calc 3 class will feel like a "fluff" class after the series and sequences. Good luck, looks like a full year.