Hey, welcome to RF. I don't recall seeing any other members from South Carolina. How are things out that way? And yes, would love to hear more about your system. Current and/or planned.
Hey! Another BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers and yea we definitely would like to know more about your setup and experience in this all-consuming hobby of ours. Kirk (NC2WA) another of our Mods here is originally a NC Boy and believe Frankie is from South Carolina.
Hey guys! What a welcome . I do have a 90gal reef setup with LEDs. Everything from mushrooms, zoas, acans andacros..... Tank had been up and running 2yrs. I also have a biocube which I do all my fragging, mainly LE zoas and polyps.
Wow, cool tank. 90 gallons are really great and I saw a sailfin tang in it. I used to have a 90 gallon also but decided I wanted smaller water changes so I scaled down in December to a 36 bow front.
Yeah, we've done what we can to get rid of him, but he wont leave! LOL, you know I'm kidding!!!!
The site has gone thru a few changes, but yeah, there are a lot of people staying here. We are a fun bunch.
Great looking tank. I love the size of the 90. I wish mine was reef ready, I'd keep it instead of my 75. I am taking the 90 down to make room for another tank. Anyway, welcome again, and have fun here.