Help ID new coral

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2006
I believe it is Claudiella but just want to make sure. Also, is it referred too as colt coral or some other name. Thanks :D

I had kevinpo look at it. He thinks it is a colt coral or capnella sp. But it is nearly impossible to distinguish between capnella and litophyton, so it could be either.
Greetings reefers!

The coral in question is indeed a claudellia. I know because I have several colonies of it that are over 1 foot by 1 foot (very huge, fast growing coral).

It is commonly sold as a young blushing finger leather, although it is not a sinularia or capnella.

What makes you so sure? It could easily be from the genus Alcyonium.

Identifying corals from simple pictures like this is sheer guess work. You will rarely get an accurate identification this way. Although sometimes you do get lucky. With this type of soft coral especially, disection and microscopic examination is necessary. Even then you may not get beyond genus. :cool:

Yes very good point Steve...and a first time hello to you!!

Without hands on examination of the coral in question it is impossible to name it 100% exactly...I agree....But I'm 99% certain of my guess at its name, as I have a 5 year growing colony/s of something identitical....its a very common coral nearly always sold at reputable retailers as a "young blushing finger leather"....but thats just the Doc's guess, been wrong before.....nice leather either way!!

and a first time hello to you!!

Thanks everyone for your help. Either way it is doing good and growing fast...
Hey AC ...may I say what a pleasure to be responding to you!! I'm a fan of your studys!!!! Been following your work, as well as your buddy Bob Fenner for about 7 years now...always wanted to say, you guys have been a huge positive impact on me and my familys frag farming operation....Wet web media is awsome!!

But thanks for clearing this ID up..makes whys is the scientific names being changed...? Any insite to that...I'm pretty big on the proper species etc. names on corals...

But a big "Hey", to you from Doc Jerm...nice to meet you Anthony!!

So BC huh, Steve...pretty cool! The term "BC" is pretty popular in the states...always wanted to visit there in Vancouver...some day...........

thanks kindly Doc :) My pleasure.

re: the taxonmy... this coral was "Cladiella" for many many years. Recently (late 90s) they knew it was not Cladiella, but were not sure where it belonged. Very briefly it got ascribed to "Alcyonium" (and made it into lit by Borneman and Sprung, et al) but soon Alderslade said that genus only had sub-tropical/temperate species and assigned it to Klyxum in 2000 where it now stands.
Right..makes perfect sense now....

Its a kinda strage coral..different from most other softies...grows like mad!! Loves med currant, low currant will suffocate it...high currant it won't expand to its full beauty...likes high light... is one of the most low light tolerant softies we propagate here at Genesis Reef...will grow in shady areas no problems...grows so fast we give like 3 inch frags away for free in our frag orders we ship out...

But yes Prb very nice piece you have...hope you enjoy yours as much as we do ours!

Later reefers;
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FWIW this is one of the few soft corals that actually seems to eat (and benefit by) any appreciable amount of phyto added to the tank. In fact... it will fare poorly without it. Tanks that have heavy brown algae gorwth (scraping your glass more than once weekly) usually do well with this species because of that reason (steady food supply)