help my lionfish, he is not eating

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New member
Jun 18, 2008
Redmond, Washington
I have a 72g tank with a lionfish, eel, and grouper. the lionfish stopped eating a few weeks ago. I search the web and found the possible cause.

As far as other health issues, the major problems I have observed are starvation and lockjaw. Both occur suddenly, and usually in an established fish that has adapted well to captivity. In regards to the issue of starvation, the lionfish just stops feeding, and over a few weeks period cannot be enticed to eat by either live or prepared foods. Starvation is usually a result of long-term improper diet caused by the exclusive feeding of one type of food (freeze-dried krill is generally the most common cause because it's widely available and convenient). This diet can potentially cause a blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, or result in a nutritional deficiency, or result in the formation of a goiter.

if this is true, how can i take care of the lionfish? Yes, i only feed them the same food, chopped shrimp, for the last 3 months.

Please help because the lionfish is my first pet....

[email protected]
How long has it been since you've made any changes or additions to this aquarium? As much information about your set up as you can give will help out tremendously. The only thing I can say with the information you've provided so far is that your tank seems very overloaded.

The previous owner has 7 fish in this tank and i only have three. is this still overloaded? or i need a bigger tank?

it has been 4 to 5 months that i have same setup up for this fish only tank. The eel is about 12" now (8" when i got it). Grouper is about 8" (6" when i got it), lionfish is about 4" (3" when i got it). I fed them one shrimp per 1.5 days and the grouper got most of them.

so what do you think? i tried the shrimp, squid, live gold fish, and the lionfish is not interested at all

The Groupler alone is way too large for that tank. Yes, still overloaded. What tests have you run and what are the results? Live rock? How much? How long have you had this tank? Any recent changes or additions?

I did check the grouper and the web said that i need a 300 gallon tank. I guess that i need to trade it then.

water test result is good except high on phorsephate (i might spell it wrong. this chemical helps algea grows).

no live rock. only dead coral.

i have 6 - 7 months for this tank. i put some of the fish to my other 90 gallon tank, such as nemo and foxface..

i have the same setup for at least 4 months. I add some hermit crabs two months ago. that will be the only change.
I test nitrate , nitrite, ammonia, ph, saltine, and phosphate. Only the phosphate is little bit high.

How about numbers for each of these, and state what kind of test kit. We need alot more info on your tank (i.e. filters, sump, skimmer...). I don't know what to do about the lion, but you also need to find out how to make sure this doesn't happen again to any of the others.

Good luck,

Its not that uncommon for lions and eels to stop feeding for a time in the home aquarium. Some people say they get bored but I've never found any substantial proof to support that theory.

it has been 4 to 5 months that i have same setup up for this fish only tank. The eel is about 12" now (8" when i got it). Grouper is about 8" (6" when i got it), lionfish is about 4" (3" when i got it). I fed them one shrimp per 1.5 days and the grouper got most of them.

so what do you think? i tried the shrimp, squid, live gold fish, and the lionfish is not interested at all

Sounds like a pretty big bio load with that feeding schedule. You may want to skip a feeding or two and then try again.

You may have already heard this, but you should NEVER ever feed goldfish to a SW predator. The list of reasons is huge. Try silvers on a feeding stick instead.

The link above is to a thread about lionfish and lockjaw by Linda C from HVRK our local club.
She is very informative about marine sicknesses and cures.
Feel free to write her after you read the thread with any questions you have and she will respond, Mention me (Beast) and you'll get special