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Dec 19, 2004
I have this pinkish colored stringy amenomi looking stuff growing on my rocks does anyone know what this might be ????

I saw your post in another thread. Could you possibly post a picture of what you're talking about? It will be much easier for people to help you.

How long has your tank been set up? And could you please say what your water parameters are, too. That would all help.
I don't have a pic but it looks like pink hair. I do not think it is alge. it started growing after I put a carpet anemone in the tank I don't know if it is related or not. all my chem levels are within safe peramiters. my salt salin. is 1.23 I use purple up,zooplex,coral-accel,micro-vert,liquid calcium,chromaplex,phytoplex,essential elements,(all from kentmarine) also I use coralife invertebrate smorgasbord. I feed twice a day in a.m. marine flake and in p.m. I feed brine shrimp.
Live stock:
1 maron clown
1 tomato clown
1 mandrine golby
1 flame scallop
1 feather duster
7 hermit crabs
2 turbo snails
1 porcilan crab
1 britle star fish
I also have britle worms, and flat worms (reason for golby)
I hope this helps !!
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Aloha, I am not too sure mandarins will help with your red planaria, hope you have a lot of very mature live rock for the pods to grow. Please list your specific chem levels and water change frequency. Why all the suppliments? Target feeding the scallop?

Most likely not related to the anemone. Without a picture, it could be dozens of things. lecture notes.htm

Keep in mind that the filamentous reds are challenging to ID from just a photo as those above. Without a photo, it is a WAG!

Just the same, the text description coupled with the photos suggests a frequently-occuring problem for US aquarists,
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I will try to get a picture on here soon
my niece has the camera right now but hopefuly I will get it back soon to post one on here
alittle more info on it I have seen it grab food when I feed my fish this is why I do not beleave it is algae but hopefuly when I get the pic it will help you'all ID it and see if it s bad or good I will also do a water test and put spec.s on here today
er....anemones of some sort? Possibly not a good thing but I don't know for sure. They look aptiasia like.
If it's aptasia anemones it's not a good thing. THey spread and are a pest/nuisance. You can kill them by squirting a bit of "Joe's Juice" (kalk paste), or home made kalk paste, or boiling water into their mouths. I have used Joe's Juice and it works. I've heard that peppermint shrimp--some anyway--will eat small aptasia if they are hungry enough.
I've only seen brownish. If those were mine, I'd kill the scattered ones and contain a colony of them in a confined area. I think they look cool. I've never seen a pink one...
yes it does look just like that !
what is it ? and what do i do about it ???
is it a good thing or a bad thing ?

They will spread like wildfire and sting other corals and softys. Eradicate them using either Boiling water squirted out of a turkey baster or syringe, Joe's Juice product per instructions, or make a paste out of Kalk. All three work great.
They will spread like wildfire and sting other corals and softys. Eradicate them using either Boiling water squirted out of a turkey baster or syringe, Joe's Juice product per instructions, or make a paste out of Kalk. All three work great.

They have to eat to survive. Kill them off but take them even being there as a sign that nutrients are high.
