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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
My Candy Cane is sick. I've no idea why. Changes made to the tank-added new skimmer on 2/13/13 and new lamps at the same time/date.
Polyps remained closed for about 2 weeks then just recently started opening again. But not all of them. This morning I noticed major tissue recession. I don't know what to do. All others corals are fine.
Parameters are: CA=440, ALK=8.2, MAG=1340, PH=8.0 and Temp is 79

Sometimes there is nothing you can do. If it's opening back up I'd leave it alone and let the stronger polyps recover on their own.
You said new lights? Maybe they're getting too much light now and trying to adjust??
Did they become lighter in color after adding the new lights? If so try placing them in a shady spot for a few days and see if they expand and open up. If they are the same color before and after adding the new lights it could be something is eating them (like a fish). They are a coral that is often nipped at by a wide variety of fish.

Polyps contain symbiotic algae which need continuous care as in terms of quality and quantity of water in the tank. A well as it requires a strong lighting. The problem may arise to light issue and it can be solved by providing strong lighting to these polyps.
I would go for the change in skimmers Candy Canes are pretty hardy and a increase in skimming can reduce organics that their use to but once they get use to the swing they'll grow like nothing. I recently added new LED's and my Candy Canes were sitting under 900 PARS for 3 days and never stopped feeding nor did they recede. I would LIGHTLY direct feed then to coach out the feeders. 2cents
Sorry for the lack of update. All is well with my CC. Couple WC later, moved to a lower light area and she's golden :) Even the polyps that were most affected are fully extending.
That is a very nice candy cane.
I was lucky to score a few polyps of that bright green cc last year and it's growing nicely.
Thanks guys! Your well wishes and support mean a LOT to this NanaReefer :) This CC was my very first coral ever boughten at just 1 head. She means a lot to me :)
Polyps contain symbiotic algae which need continuous care as in terms of quality and quantity of water in the tank. A well as it requires a strong lighting. The problem may arise to light issue and it can be solved by providing strong lighting to these polyps.

FYI-This CC like most other LPS have low to medium light requirements. You may want/need to do some research ;)
Glad to hear the coral is doing well. Caulastrea sp. will do well and expand nicely in light intensities as low as 50 PAR. With acclimation they can also do well but expand less and become much lighter colored under higher light intensities.
