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Jul 13, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
I've been battling this issue since day one of tank set up, next week being a year. Some weeks it's worse than others but always present somewhere on my sand bed. This week it is terrible!
Started tank with CacibSea Arag-ALive Figi Pink sand. This is the only place this substance plagues. It's not on the rock, glass, pumps, nothing. Nor is it in my sump area at all. I did not use the same sand in my fuge.
Running LED's. RO/DI=0 TDS (all containers) all new filters and membrane.
Bi-weekly 5g water changes has been working great. All corals have great coloring and growth. All fish healthy. Feed LRS Reef Frenzy, small amounts 2x daily. Dose 2part via doser.
NO3=5 via Salifert
PO4=0.02 via Salifert

I would get some critters that will stir that up and consume it.
I like sea-cucumbers. Just the plain brown or black bumpy ones.
Maybe so scarlet hermits. Not crazy about other types of crabs, but in my experience these seem to be the safest.
Then some ceriths and some nassarius snails.

Then I would cut down to one feeding a day.

If possible add some flow directed towards the sand. Not right at it so it blows it around.
Well I've got my Gyre XF-130 @50% on pulse mode. Looking closely I can see small grains of sand moving. Seems to be good flow over the SB.
I'm definitely going to order a Cucumber. Your the 3rd person to recommend one. I've got one Scarlet Hermit, will order a couple more along with those snails.

I'm just so sick of this crap :(
Diatoms, which is what that looks like to me, are in my experience most often caused from silicate. The sand can leach silicates. Have you tried phosgaurd or chemipure elite? Neither is all that expensive to take a flyer on. Silicates are needed, most salt mixes will add them, but if you aren't burning through enough of them, diatoms will do that for you.... sponges are also pretty good at removing them, and safer than sea cucumbers long term, if your system can sustain them that is. No need to be overly afraid of sea cucumbers IMO, but it is worth researching and being aware their downsides.
I caved!! Bought a Sixline Wrasse and what an awesome lil fish. So far he's fitting in just great. Gramma and Blenny are curious but no aggression from anyone. He's out an about seemingly very comfortable.
Also picked up 3 large Nass and 2 large Cerith Snails. It was all they had. I ordered more plus Nerites and Astrea.
Gonna hold off on the Cucumber for now. Afraid it would out compete my Strawberry Conch for food. I like my Conch :)
It's a good day for my tank. Besides turning 1yr old!!
imo looks or could b cyano, diatom, or dinoflagellates. If its not stringy and bubbly than its not dino.
??? Idk if that made sense lol. Cyano can be brown,black, or red.
Diatom is usually in the beginining stages so prob not in a 1yr old tank.

Id reccomend a sand sifting starfish or conch. HTHS
Ok this is freaking ridiculous!! Did a WC yesterday, vacuumed the entire SB. Man is looked awesome!! Pretty white sand for the first time since setting this tank up.
Guess what? By this morning this crap is back. Appeared before lights came on. I hate the thought of going the ChemiClean route. I have a Conch, 10 Nassarius snails, couple Creith Snails and 2 Scarlet Hermits. None touch this stuff.
I'm gonna have to chemically treat my tank right? :( I wish I knew exactly what it is.
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Again, looks like diatoms to me. Dinos is stringy, cyano is more "mat" like, and its none of the "green varieties"

Diatoms usually burn off once the silicates are removed. If nothing ever removed the silicates, or its coming through to heavy in your salt mix, and bag of chemipure elite in the sump will knock it out pretty quuick.
Is it possible to treat the makeup water before doing a WC? I'll get the ChemiPure Elite also but would be cool to stop adding to the issue :)
Thing is, after the vacuuming I did yesterday it should no longer be trapped. 5g of water and it was barely dirty. So I'm pretty sure it isn't Cyano. It isn't matted nor slimy either.

I just tossed a cup of PhosGaurd in a small internal filter into my return chamber. Give that a week or two.
Is it possible to treat the makeup water before doing a WC? I'll get the ChemiPure Elite also but would be cool to stop adding to the issue :)
If I'm right about it being silicates and diatoms (which is always a gamble) then I wouldn't think you'd need to treat long term. I mean, my thinking here as to why you are having the problem when your previous tank didn't is the sand. I'm working on the supposition that the sand brought in an 'overload' of silicate. The diatoms process the silicate into their shells. That is the brown you see. What I'm guessing you are seeing is that your tank is processing silicates out just fine, at least the normal amount that would be added/removed with water changes and all.. it just can't get 'over the hump' of that initial first hit, so that would be why the ongoing battle.
If nothing else, at least trying the phosgaurd or whatever 'should' prove the silicate theory wrong, and sometimes knowing what it isn't helps to prove out what it is.
Well I had to take the PhosGaurd out of the lil filter, was grinding it up. So I just dropped the bag in between my bubble trap.
I'm now in search of a small media reactor :)
Oh crap, sorry, I forgot to post the link. I think it was like 5-6 pages into the equipment for sale section
When I start seeing diatoms on my sand bed I know it is time to change my Seachem Seagel. Takes it right away.
I'm telling you guys, I'm about to remove my entire SB. This crap is ridiculous!! Today my tank looks horrible :(
Gonna try turning my white lighting off. Run just blues, see if that helps.
Do you guys think it could be the LRS Reef Frenzy? That is the only thing I've been feeding since day one. Plus using RC salt.
My corals are all doing fantastic!! Fish are wonderful.

Did I mention it pretty much disappears after lights out?


One hour after lights out.

