Help with coral death and other issues

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Sep 2, 2006
So 2 days ago my pocillopora which was already close to my cali tort colony made contact and were touching for a couple of hours before i got home and seperated them. When i seperated them i noticed the tort had bleached where they made contact. So in precaution i clipped that branch off completely. The next day the rest of the branch all the way to the base had died. Worried i may lose the colony i cut away the rest of the dead area and cut off 2 healthy areas and placed them in my other tank(they are linked). The next day the entire colony was dead minus a few tips also one of the frags was dead and the other was fairly bleached. I cut off the remainder of the healthy parts on the colony in hopes to end up with one survivor but after 6 frags im down to 2 that still have color but no polyps yet. A real let down to me since it was one of my favorite pieces. So what im asking is there anything else i can do to try and save them or at least some advice on what to do next time.

Also my Duncans have stopped opening and some palythoas have stayed mostly closed with a few trying to open but never fully. Im not sure if there is some connection or if its just a bad week for me.

All the rest of my corals seem to be doing fine with good growth and color. Other zoas and palys all stay open just fine. Really dont want to lose the one group thats not looking so good since they are AoG's.

My tank paramaters as tested last night are:
Ammonia :0
nitrite :0
nitrate :0(this is new for this month since for the last few months i have had trouble getting it below 10)
calcium :420
phosphate: 0
alk : 8

Temp stays between 79-81
salinity is 1.022( i understand that many people use 1.025 and have decided to start raising it but i have used that salinty for the last 6 months with few problems)

Tank size is 240 with a 60 sump , 40 additional sump, and 40 side/frag tank. And has been running in this tank for 6 months after moving from my last tank established for 2 years.

Things that have been changed lately is i went from 14k bulbs to 10k then 20k in a matter of 2 weeks. Also the 40 sump and 40 side tank were plumbed into the main tank recently.
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