Help with flow

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New member
Nov 10, 2004
Mountlake Terrace
Hey all. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have a 29 gallon glass tank, and I'm getting tired of seeing those ugly bulky powerheads stuck all over the place. Could one of you throw me some ideas of a way to get good flow without all the powerheads?
I think the best option would be to install a closed loop system but on a 29gal tank that may be over kill. I have even seen Hang on tank closed loops set-up for those that didn't want to drill into glass.

Are you currently using an overflow into a sump with return? You could also set up a HOB overflow into a sump and return into a seaswirl or two.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

I don't know how many holes can safely be drilled in a 29gallon glass, but that is an option. Hopefully, we can get other opinions on that. Another option would be to take the closed loop over the top of the tank, but instead of powerheads you would have PVC. I like the sea swirl idea that jlehigh suggested, too.
I use close loop with SCWD on a 600 GPH pump external. You can do over the tank design.

My tanks dimension is 12x24x22(high)
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Katchupoy said:
I use close loop with SCWD on a 600 GPH pump external. You can do over the tank design.

My tanks dimension is 12x24x22(high)

Now that is awesome looking. I never even thought of that. Man I love this site!
Awesome, Cesar! Thanks for putting up a picture of what I was talking about. Have you found the SCWD to work well for the application?
I'm looking to do the same thing on my 220 gallons with a SCWD as well. Does anyone know of a good self priming pump that is low electrical consumption, quite to operate, will run out of the water and can put out about 1200 gph at 5' of TDH. I have plans to rig it just like Katchupoy, only use a bigger pump. Just need some ideas on what pump to use. Thanks Ryan
Thanks for all the input, and thanks for the welcome, Nikki. I don't want to drill the tank because it's full and everyone is happy where there are. I've been reading a few things about that closed loop thingy and I think that would work. It looks easy enough. I guess I get to go wander the aisles at HD this weekend. Woohoo! Thanks for the help and thanks for the pic Cesar, that will really help me out.
Yes, actually it is really cool. Unfortunately Im not using it anymore and the whole setup is for sale. PM me if your interested.

Anyway, the reason I switched to another is the switch is too fast for my taste. And I dont have a bigger pump to maximize SCWD efficiency. Also consider that you will have a loss somehow on the output... Some say that it is at least 10% to 20% loss. I dont really know. When I was using it with Mag5 I dont have problem with it on my 25gallon HI tank.

Ryan, Can you explain it to me further? I dopnt get it. Why self priming pump.

Mag 12 can do it or Quiet One. You dont need it to be primed because it is a closed loop. Meaning that there should always be water inside the loop. The inlet and the outlet are both submerged below water line.

Hope this helps.
Pondguy welcome to RF!

Katchupoy, what's your stand made out of? It looks like cement blocks! What's in the smaller tank? Thanks
Hey Cesar, I appreciate the offer, unfortunately I don't think it will work with my setup. I have to work around my skimmer. I thought about moving my skimmer around to the side and decided that would be just as ugly as the powerheads I'm trying to get rid of, and my lights would be in the way. So, I'm going to steal your pretty design (if you don't mind) and modify it to fit my needs. Can you recommend a good pump and possibly a local store I can get it at?

Angel, Yes those are CMU blocks from local hardware store. Cheap and effective. You can stack it to your desired height.

Smaller tank is my refugium/sump.

Speed, take the design... i took it also from Melev from another forum.

let me know if you have questions about it.

Also, you notice that I use a gatevalve somewhere... totally not needed.

here are additional images.
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Speed, I prefer to buy the pump via web, so cheap. Also try calling coralbeauty. They are sponsors here.