Help with live rock

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Oct 28, 2008
auburn, wa
I have a HUGE Majano anemone problem. They are completely everywhere, and multiply daily. I have put my fish i a different tank for now so that I could take care of them. What I want to do is boil all the live rock (I have no corals on them) and don't know exactly how to do it. Any one have any suggestion? I don't want the rock to crumble or break apart, please help.

I already tried boiling a few pieces of rock and it turned completely green, did I do something wrong? I boiled it in plain tap water.

Is there any other way out other than boiling?

Yes I do know that by boiling them, I will also kill all the good bacteria as well, but I have no choice.
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Sounds like the phosphorus in your tap water adsorbed to the Calcium Carbonate rock. That would make a very fertile ground for microalgaes to grow once light is added.
ya... i would not boil your rock...

i have a very bad aptasia problem, and worse then that, still fight bryopsis

if you boil your rock.. i would use RoDI, (but i wouldnt boil it) i would let the tank be

if you rush things now go off the deep end. it will come back and bite you in the future

prohaps set something up... and do it single rock by rock, over time, then qt... try to save the life, not kill it,