help with red slime

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d muha

Jul 17, 2005
I have some red slime growing in my refugium. The water circulation is low there. The rest of tank looks great. Water quality looks good. Extra junk and low circulation are likely culprits. Increasing water flow thru the refugium is not an option. Would a small power head help or would it chew up the little critters that are living there. Cheato is the main algea in the refugium. Some hair algea will grow but I pull it out and feed it to the tanks in the tank. Any suggestions on what I can do to improve the situation?
Yes, stick a PH in there water movement should help. Just keep siphoning all that you can out, untill it stops appearing. Though if the PH doesn't help, you may need to re-think the refuge design...
talk about needing help with this cyano crap, I am in need of this. I can't get of this at all in my 75 gal. I replaced my bulbs, added a phosphate sponge to my filter and it keeps growing, why? I do a 10 gal water change almost every week. I only feed my 5 fish 2 times a week. I was using Red Slime Remover but it work to a point. The stuff came back after I cleaned it up and removed the RSR from my water. They tell me to try chemiclean but the place where I buy my LR tells me to not use chemicals. What do I do, I am getting really frustrated with this stuff. This tank isnt brand new its about 3 years old now. Heck, I even tried putting some macros in and all they did were die out little by little.:confused:
d muha dood, i'd just keep cleaning it, my buddy krish used to have it in his sump too, but he just removed it and it never came back i belive.

Lebloom dood, how much flow do you have in there? how much are you feeding your fishes?
Sometimes if you don't have plenty of flow the cyano will keep coming back :( .
I believe also it's very important to know how much you're feeding the fishes, what type of food because the cyano could be coming back from it..... just a few thoughts hehe.
I'm sure someone would be able to help a little bit more.
lebloom: A very common problem is the water you use for the water changes. Are you using RO/DI water?
been using RO strictly for probably 2 years now. My food I feed my fish could be causing this? I feed them frozen brine and Prime Reef and Formula One. Have a powerhead in each corner of my tank, a skimmer and a power filter just for water flow.
Do you drain the water off after you thaw the food? You really need RO/DI water to remove the minerals that cyano feed off of. No way for me to know if you are feeding to much. From your description it does not sound like it. Are you feeding flake every time mixed with brine? May want to sub some mysis for flake for a while and see if it makes a difference.
hmmm i'd do what Brenden dood says for every food you dump in your tank.
Now you said you have powerheads in every corner hmmm... what kind of powerheads? Seios or the other kind like Maxijets?
I think but not sure you might be needing a little bit more flow.... and more since it's a 75..... i have three powerheads in my 37 and still need more... just my opinion.
what kind of skimmer do you have?
Hey do you have a high calcium level, sometimes if it's over 600 that cause red slime. try ultra-slime remover it works.But you have to turn off your skimmer for three days and then do a 25% water change.also if salt level is at 1.30 its to high. here here now