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Dec 26, 2003
Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
well...who knew all this stuff was going on behind the scenes here on the bod....lol

well, im feeling like psas is a red headed step child round about now...
and im king of the gingers...lol :) :D

so lets just toss all the bs in a big barrel and start a fire...what's done is done were moving foreward now.
imma takin over an turnin this boat around back to freaking funzone '08!!!

seriously though, lemme first start off by saying:
i seriously look foreward to your participation, and i really like alot of your ideas, your a smart guy and i dont hold any sort of grudge against you... i dont foresee that we'll have any issues at all as long as were as repectful to eachother, which im sure we will be:)

mkay and second, there have been ramblings i 've read here connotating that cy has suggested he and others might quit psas sponsorship if i was elected...i call bullshyte on this, worst case scenario, even if he bails for a couple months, once he sees the renewed interest and activity from other sponsors, he'll be back for sure. and further more, i will simply speak to him and smooth over any issues he might have if any of it is true. but any info about this pm from cy would be appreciated. obviously i kinda feel like bob has gone out of his way to really mess things up around here, and if anything i thing he exasperated some of these issues. but let me just say to you guys here, i never did anything while working at SWC or BR that was morally questionable as bob might have suggested. it's all based on hersay from disgruntled employers whom i told off for one reason or another. i owe them no money , stole no items from them, stole no customers/maintenance accounts from them, and have never publicly disparaged them. i have ever only publicly refered customers to both establishments, so anything they are complaining about as far as me personally is utter fodder. my personal opinion about them is my own and i share it with whom i choose, and it's none of their business! so if they have found out my personal opinions about them, then it was through clandestine gossip, and i wont be held accountable for bs like that. but for the record, i will censor my postings much more carefully now, being the prez.

now if someone could tell me a couple things i 'd like to know...:)

how many members do we currently have? how many new members in the last year signed up?

how much money is in the psas bank account?

what months between now and the summer bbq do we not have meetings for?

and is there a list of the current progress on the bbq raffle items donated??

no rush on this stuff, just things i would like to know. :)

also, i think we really need to sit down and have a powow..not just standing around after the meeting...but a meeting where we go to a restaurant and really sit down and go over some gameplans :)
so i think the first thing im going to do is attempt to schedual a bod meeting...

what is a good day for everyone?? and ed, are you ever over here other than meetings for stuff? it might be that we have to plan it on the same day as a meeting to accomodate ed driving so damn far, because i dont want to ask him to make a special trip just for a bod meeting:)

again thanks to everyone for your support, and i will seriously do my very best to make this as awesome, fun, and educational rest of the year as possible:) i do think we have kinda derailed a bit as a club, but with a little help i know everything and everybody will be fine :)
how many members do we currently have? how many new members in the last year signed up?

Currently, about 32 members but alot of our regulars that Ive seen at multiple meetings still haven signed up. As for last year, noone knows

how much money is in the psas bank account?
There currently is no PSAS bank account. You and I are going to open one within the next couple weeks. :) We have over $4000.00

what months between now and the summer bbq do we not have meetings for
AFAIK everything is booked up for the rest of the year HERE is the sticky with the calender as it stands
and is there a list of the current progress on the bbq raffle items donated??
AFAIK we havent even thought about raffle items for the BBQ.

We had one "in person" BOD meeting so far this year and one other via teleconference. I think we should have this next one at Kris's house so you and I can critique her new tank :evil: and maybe give here some Ideas on getting those new SPS to grow even faster. JK Kris...

Welcome aboard Mark. As you already know, I value your experience and ideas regarding this hobby. I also like to just hang out with you and pick you brains. Not that we've done it regularly, but you know what I mean. Glad to have you on the BOD. PSAS expereinces from years past are going to help us behind the scenes immensly.
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now if someone could tell me a couple things i 'd like to know...:)

how many members do we currently have? how many new members in the last year signed up?

how much money is in the psas bank account?

what months between now and the summer bbq do we not have meetings for?

and is there a list of the current progress on the bbq raffle items donated??

Welcome to the BOD Mark!

As to the number of Members; Bob just posted a list yesterday that have signed up for the 2008--2009 membership year. Here's that thread: http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39407 Bob said he didn't get any information from Randy about last year's membership and that there were NO records. We also didn't get any financial records from previous years. We've just had to start everything over.

As to the funds PSAS has, I believe it is around $4600 and we've been waiting for you to get a bank account setup. :oops:

We pretty much have the entire year planned out, but it's not all confirmed yet. Here's a thread about that: http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39097

To my knowledge, we don't have any donations for the BBQ yet. :(

Any other questions, just ask and we'll try our best to get you up to speed. Almost everything is documented in this Forum.

As far as a BOD meeting, I'm usually good for Saturdays. Maybe we could meet early, before the next meeting.

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Hey yourself Mark!

If you review the threads you will see we have been busy. We have been focusing on making it legal to be running a club collecting money donations etc. and trying to find away to make the meetings fun and enticing again to increase membership. We have drafted a charter to answer a lot of how the club business side is run. I would like to send you the latest draft, we felt the new president would need to have input on the document. We have been working on it through e-mail, if you could share your e-mail address that would be great, you will see we have a sticky with our contact information.

Hope you are ready to hit the ground running. This group has been very active in getting things done so you have some catching up to do!

Welcome to the BOD:)
I think we should have this next one at Kris's house so you and I can critique her new tank :evil: and maybe give here some Ideas on getting those new SPS to grow even faster. JK Kris...

:eek: I don't think I am ready for that. You will all laugh at my poor little struggling sps.:p
Hey yourself Mark!

Hope you are ready to hit the ground running. This group has been very active in getting things done so you have some catching up to do!

Welcome to the BOD:)

i will post my contact info in that thread :)

so i know were working on the bylaws, and it's sounds like we've already applied for the non profit status? yes? or did i read the thread wrong...so much info...im still shuffling..:)

thanks for all the responses with info guys!!!

so how does everyone feel about a bod meeting before the meeting?

so how does everyone feel about a bod meeting before the meeting?

Im all for it provided Im not meeting Bob to get the PSAS money and membership info from him.

What time is everyone thinking so I can potentially do it all? Brunch anyone?
Brunch works for me Saturday.

Mark we did file for non-profit status and just received the documents. Our next plan is to try to get 501c3-charitable non-profit (currently we are just 501). I think we can get it as an environmental group, you need to put on that "green" hat, we need to be able to prove we are doing something to protect the environment .
The meeting starts at 1:00 PM. We probably should get there by 12:45 to make sure the room is actually open. I'd guess an hour to an hour and a half for a BOD meeting. Maybe a meeting time of 11ish somewhere close by BBC?

The meeting starts at 1:00 PM. We probably should get there by 12:45 to make sure the room is actually open. I'd guess an hour to an hour and a half for a BOD meeting. Maybe a meeting time of 11ish somewhere close by BBC?


Let me know so I can map quest it. I am suppose to pick up a skimmer around 10 ish in Seattle U district. :)
i seriously look foreward to your participation, and i really like alot of your ideas, your a smart guy and i dont hold any sort of grudge against you... i dont foresee that we'll have any issues at all as long as were as repectful to eachother, which im sure we will be:)

Mark. You've my full support too. And I am sure we will respect each other's view:)
Let me know so I can map quest it. I am suppose to pick up a skimmer around 10 ish in Seattle U district. :)

Ed, You're coming, nice. Can you bring your computer so we can go to Microsoft later and I can get all the photos of the oast events? I promise it will take 1 hour at the most....
yeah, im suppose to meet a reefer at arsa at 11:00am to pick up a skimmer as well:) so i could make it to bcc/nearby by say 11:30-11:45. do you guys know where little jon's restaurant is?? it's a greasy spoon that's right down near the freeway exits by bcc, or i dont care where we meet, it could be anywhere.

im trying to reschedual with the skimmer guy to either friday or earlier on saturday
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do you guys know where little jon's restaurant is?? it's a greasy spoon that's right down near the freeway exits by bcc,

No! I do not know where anything in Bellevue is, but if you can provide an address I am sure my navigator will lead me there.

they have a lounge so we can get wasted too, then just crawl up the hill to the meeting:idea:


lol, that reminded me of getting wasted and going to chemistry class in high school . . . so many years ago

Thanks for the address, I'll find it. So now we just need to firm up the time. Mark, were you able to change your other meeting? It would be great if we can meet at 11:00 to have plenty of time.
lol, that reminded me of getting wasted and going to chemistry class in high school . . . so many years ago

Thanks for the address, I'll find it. So now we just need to firm up the time. Mark, were you able to change your other meeting? It would be great if we can meet at 11:00 to have plenty of time.

shame on you kris!!! >:0 lol
im trying to see what i can do about that skimmer pick-up, i got it moved back to 10:40, but arsa has gotta be 30-40 minutes from bcc. mabye i'll suggest just going to his house tomorrow night and see if that works for him
o.k. going to pick up the skimmer tonight, so i will be there at 11:00am tomorrow :)

See you at 11:00

I have put together a tentative agenda for the meeting:

Board Meeting Agenda 10/18/08​

Old Business

Bank Account

PSAS Business Cards


November meeting planning


E-mail invites vs e-vites

E-mail distribution groups

Guidelines for Sponsor sale promotion

New Business

RF Forum Moderator

501c3 planning

Let me know if there are other topics you would like to see.​