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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Some of you old buddies of mine need to sign up on facebook!! :rolleyes: Can't get Brian (Brenden) to sign up, but he's excused because him and the family are coming down in August so I'll let that one slide! :p

I hope everyone here at RF are all doing well! Just saw what Brett recently went through and I had to take a step back for a second. So many of us here have things going on in our lives which no-one would ever know, but through it all, we must all try to remain positive and be thankful for what we do have :) I have to stop myself from saying many times that this has to be one of the worst years of my life so far!! :shock: In some ways it is, but in others, it has been a blessing. Just for numbers, I just got over my 6th throat infection for the year, I had an MRI 2 months ago that confirmed I have 2 herniated discs in my lower back (L4 L5 and L5 S1) that 2 doctors so far say I will need surgery to "fix". Since then, I've had an epidural to shoot some steroids in my spine to see how that helps and doing physiotherapy. In the end though, it looks like I will either have to do the surgery and hope for a success to continue my job, or opt not to do surgery and find a new line of work as my current job will just continue to irritate it so we'll see. Then there are a few other things going on that just add fuel to the flame.

Nonetheless, life is still great! :D Still married to the girl I've been with since 1993. We now have 2 beautiful children who are complete opposites!!. Other than one being a girl and the other a boy, Emily, is all her daddy (color and all!) and Spencer is all Mommy (color and all!!) He even has blue eyes!!

In any event, just popping in to say hi! Here are a few pics of the family! You'll notice Spencer with a helmet in one of the pics...That's another story, but in a nut shell, from sleeping on his head too much on the back to one side, it got a bit flat and now has to wear a helmet for 3 months to re-shape his head. We have to fly back and forth to Florida every 2 weeks for the next 3 months to have it adjusted and my wife hates flying!!!!!!!!

Emily and I two months ago

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Emily going to be 4 in 1 month

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Spencer 4 months old

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Spencer with his new helmet @ 5 months old

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KRISH! dude, you've definitely been busy with life. haha its nice to see you on here finally. Its been far too long. you should definitely add me on facebook man, search my name bolun du
Thanks Dang and Sid! :D on facebook just search Krishna Taylor and my profile picture will be the same as the one I added here with my daughter and I. Dr Dee, Curt, Scooty, Chris (&barb) are all over there as well :)
that would be me! I just added ya

I'm sure you'll hae no problem finding people on here who are from my generation... we're all FB addicts. I'm actually trying to break the habit right now haha
No facebook.
You kids are beautiful! Sorry to hear of med conditions.
Still diving?

Thanks Mike!! :D On the diving, I haven't been for the year although I've wanted to. Not totally because of the back, but because of the baby. Don't want to leave my wife alone with the kids and he's too young to handle this Bahamian heat so I figure in another month, we'll be back out in the boat because he can wear sun block then and get back to enjoying what I look forward to every summer :)

Krish, found and added you.

I see that!!! Just accepted and also changed my profile pic to a black and white photo of me :p
WOW! A blast from the past! Good to see all is well and the children.....beautiful! They grow up sooooo fast. My girl is 8 years old now! See ya on facebook........
WOW! A blast from the past! Good to see all is well and the children.....beautiful! They grow up sooooo fast. My girl is 8 years old now! See ya on facebook........

Chef!! How's it going?? :D Trying to see if I can hang around a bit more here :)
Kids are getting big. Seems like your daughter was just born, time flys.

Good to here your still alive and well.
Hey Don!! How ya been?? Yea time does fly!! Can't believe Emily will be 4 next month!! Before too long I will be a grandpa!! Lol
Hey Don!! How ya been?? Yea time does fly!! Can't believe Emily will be 4 next month!! Before too long I will be a grandpa!! Lol

You got a ways to go before grampa, hopefully anyways.:) Same old stuff, grandson is keeps me running. Kids finally moved across town so the wife and I are suffering from empty nest syndrone.

Hey ,just saw this thread. Don't get over here to often.
How you doing?
Actually I see how it's going.
Family is looking good.

It says it's your B-Day on the RF home page.
If that is correct.

Happy B-Day!!