Hi all!! Need Advice.

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Wow, I've missed the community so much!! I have been traveling for work for what seems like the past year, when in fact, it's only been 3 months or so...lol. Up until this past week, I'd been home 10 days in 3 months. This past week, I've been home but have been SOOO busy that I've only been online for a few minutes at a time. While home, I've done quite a bit of tank maintenance. I finally got to see my Pistol Shrimp and Shrimp Goby that were received while I was in Salt Lake City for 2 weeks. They're amazing, even though the darned shrimp has re-landscaped my sand bed...lol. I also came home to quite an algae problem. Time to replace a couple power heads. I'm thinking about going with Hydor Koralias. A couple days of drastically reduced light did a great job on the algae.
Now it's back on the road. I'm off to Olympia later today for 4 weeks or so. I will have my laptop and hope to find some time to reconnect with this wonderful community.
I do need some advice that's hard to even ask for. Angie's done an amazing job of becoming a Crash Course Fish Geek. However, with as much time as I spend away from home, I'm really missing my tanks. It's also a lot for Angie to keep up on them for us. I'm considering the option of selling it all off for now. I obviously have a lot of emotions involved in this decision. I'd like some unemotional advice from others. Uggghh, this is hard to even think about...lol.
Well, as I said, I'm on the road again later today and still have much to do. I'll keep struggling with this decision and await the advice of others. Thanks everyone!!
After having just spent almost a year working out of town or working such long hours, I never saw the tanks with the lights on myself, I can relate to how you feel.
I ended up combining several tanks into one, just to try and save as much as I could.
My wife hasn't been able to do alot, but I guess just enough to keep things going.
Over the years I have had to work out of town for long periods at a time.
One of the things I have tried to do was make the tanks as bullet proof as possible.
And make doing water changes as simple as possible, so when the wife has had to do wc's, it wasn't a big deal.
I have learned that the "other person" in our lives, usually doesn't have the same passion with our hobby, but with a little understanding, we can get them to keep things going when nessesary.

ps. what you doing in Olympia?
My husband is the 'main guy for our tank' and he was gone for one week; I love the saltwater tank and all the fish; and we spend hours just staring at it. I must say it was only one week in my case, but it was hard to remember the morning routine given everything else I do.

If my husband were gone for long period of a time, I can assure we'd make a decision on the tank together. Maybe Angie needs to be a part of this big decision? The extra load is on her shoulders, maybe she'd never consider you selling the tank for her passion may have grown to match yours?

Just my two cents.
Time to...Downsize!

Don't sell everything, get a a smaller all-in-one and keep what you're really attached to.

I'd consider making a trip over to that side if you feel like rehoming some of your livestock

Aside from top-off, feeding and dosing these tanks pretty much run themselves.
We sold all our tanks i think about a year ago and was definately hard to part with them. However we were at a stage where we knew they were not getting the best care.... we are happy with our decision. I think for me the best part is that I know the fish and corals are all in this wonderful community that you discuss. Sometimes I do have a slight yearning for a little tank with a clown pair, so maybe someday we will do it again.
Mike wow to say the least. I know how your job is ,and i have to agree with ya. I know how you like to keep your tank and it is not easy ,just that it is the time to enjoy it as well! Wow if this becomes a selling .Or maybe u can find a "storage person"? I think it is an option if some one is willing to help ya.Or if a more seasoned person can come over once to twice a week for ya to check on things? Just some options .I know this would be a big move .......Aha another question are u all-ways going to be gone as much?????? Well for now your lps buddy will l b ....Talk to ya later !
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Mike, I think what finn said might be a good idea. Just consolodate to one tank (75g). You've spent alot of time setting up and making your tank look great, it would be a shame to see all that go away. :( There are plenty of us around I'm sure that would be willing to help while you are away. :) Plus I'm counting on you for some frags when I set my new tank up...lol:D
LOL Jake. I think I've gotta agree with you and Finn. I can't get rid of them. I don't even think I can consolidate down to 1. I'd never be able to bring myself to rehoming or trying to move my HUGE RBTA. Besides, I've got too many softies in the 46 to put in with the SPS in the 75...lol. Angie does seem to be getting the knack of things...and her Reef passion is growing...lol. Thanks all for your great advice.

Oh, someone asked what I'm doing in Olympia. I work for a company that sends me all over the country doing remodels, resets and fixturing in Home Depots.
Hey Mike,

Don't sell it/anything. Just do what you can while you're there and let Angie learn to take care of it too, since it sounds like she's becoming the reefgeek like the rest of us.
mike is it worth it?????do u make the amount to be worth it ????That is why i did it for 2 years to save up money then got back in touch with my family we all have to work but no family whats the point after awhile just my thaughts hope to catch ya next time your here see the new tank it is going goooooood love it

You could always hire someone to come do the maintance.At least for the hard, laborish type stuff.That person might even be willing to work out a half barter type a deal.
i wish my other half would have a go at maintenance but shes convinced jaws lives in there and therefore reluctant to put her hands in, ive just bought an ip camera so hoping to keep an eye on the tank when im away from home, just got to set that pesky thing up, time to swot up on firewalls and routers.lol
Once done i will post link on forum for all to see and comment on and no its not a whale in the room its probably me!