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New member
Aug 13, 2011
Port Macquarie, NSW
Hi everyone,

I stumbled upon this forum searching for more information on the Crested Oyster Goby (Chryptocentroides gobioides) and it seems like a very good forum!

My names Brendon, from NSW Aus. I've been interested in marine aquariums for a few years, first experimenting when I was about 14 or 15, but only really got into marines when I started a job at Cairns Marine in Cairns (derr :p) in North Queensland. My experiences I gained there include proper understanding of marine conditions, identifying fishes, learning about habits and compatabilities of fishes, husbandry of large marine animals (Sharks, rays, eels, large fishes such as Humphead Maori Wrasse, Cobia, Trevallies or Jacks etc), identification of corals and their care amoung other things and this really got me interested in owning a marine aquarium.

I currently have two set up. A 190L (50gal) reef aquarium housing a Mandarin Goby (Synchiropus splendidus), a small Margined Butterflyfish (Chelmon marginalis), and a juvenile Pacific Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum) and a few corals (Hammer Coral Euphyllia ancora, Elegance Coral Catalaphyllia jardinei, Montipora and a toadstool leather Sacrophyton sp.) and is a bit of a work in progress. The other aquarium I have is a 450L (~120gal) reef tank which is in the early stages of setting up with a few 'local' species in it (Microcanthus strigatus locally known here as Stripey, juvenile Silver Sweep Scorpis lineolatus, and a couple Bronze Bullseyes Pempheris analis. Hopefully adding a pair of the Crested Oyster Gobies in the near future.

I'm currently a trainee with the local council in Water Treatment and am looking at doing a diploma in Renewable Energy Infrastructure and Engineering in the future. I look forward to reading through the threads and hopefully gaining some good pointers along the way and giving advice on the things I know about.

Cheers :rockon: