Hi, from Los Angeles

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Jul 11, 2011
Los Angeles
Hello, Reef Frontiers

Just getting back into the hobby after a 1 year break, glad to be around the stuff again.. the fish world truly does make me happy. Some friends and I just created a local, Los Angeles Aquarium Society.

The Los Angles Aquarium Society - Our website is LA Aquarium Society - Local Fish Keepers, Saltwater Fish, Freshwater Fish, Classifieds

I'd love to see those from LA join our group as well and help spread the knowledge!

Maybe we can get a sub forum on the Other Clubs section? Our official Launch date is on July 15th, 2011

We are in need of a complete forum staff so sign up and apply if you are interested in a position, this club will turn out great with a little time and word of mouth.
Welcome to RF!! :welcome:. We have a section here dedicated to the different clubs which you'd have to contact an admin about creating a space here for you if you are intereseted in that. Un-fortunately, I think you need a required number of posts in order to send a pm, so I will just re-direct the admins this thread and see if there in anything they can assist you with.

Hope you enjoy it here and looking forward to your particiaption on the open forums. We love pictures here so post them as you set up your new tank. :)
And, from me, another welcome to Reef Frontiers. Hope you and the newly found club will find Reef Frontiers a welcome, entertaining and informative place. We look forward to meeting you and hearing more about your tank and pics...we love pics. :)
Yes, a BIG WELCOME to Reef Frontiers hope you enjoy and good luck on the new club. So now tell us a bit more on your new reeftank and past history in the hobby.

Cheers, Todd
wow, thanks for the warm welcome guys. this is probably the most friendly club I have come across lol. I've been skimming the forums and the topics are very entertaining as well as informative.. I will definitely be making this my second home or third I should say as LAAS is my second, hehe.
I will add to the BIG WELCOME to RF. We have some good people here with lots of knowledge and wiliness to help.

Shoot me a PM or Email with the Owner/Admin of the site requesting the forum and stating who will be the Mod. of the forum, I need this to keep for records!

Thanks & Welcome to RF!

Hello, Reef Frontiers

Just getting back into the hobby after a 1 year break, glad to be around the stuff again.. the fish world truly does make me happy. Some friends and I just created a local, Los Angeles Aquarium Society.

The Los Angles Aquarium Society - Our website is LA Aquarium Society - Local Fish Keepers, Saltwater Fish, Freshwater Fish, Classifieds

I'd love to see those from LA join our group as well and help spread the knowledge!

Maybe we can get a sub forum on the Other Clubs section? Our official Launch date is on July 15th, 2011

We are in need of a complete forum staff so sign up and apply if you are interested in a position, this club will turn out great with a little time and word of mouth.