Hi from Oregon

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Aug 16, 2012
Redmond Or
Hi all just wanted to introduce myself. Ive been into fish tanks for the last 25yrs. started my first saltwater tank in 1999 and was hooked. left the hobby in 2005 when my youngest was born premature(3 months in hospital and heart surgery). well Im back after i took him to our LFS and realized how much looking at a reef calmed his ADHD. well dove in hard have a 20L AIO reef, 20 cube with 20 sump for a frag tank, 150g FOWLR, daughter has a 10gal nano and son has a 5.5 gal nano. opps forgot the 20L planted tank out side and the betta!
Welcome to RF!:welcome:

Also sorry to hear about your son. Hope he is doing well. :)

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Welcome back to the hobby! I know the addiction well myself! I have numerous tanks including fw planted tanks.
Looking forward to seeing pics.

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welcome. i (with adhd) find my tanks very calming. my doughter when she was about 6m (now 9m) the easyist way to get her to sleep was the white tank noise.