Hidden Critters whats your favorite?

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
Wenatchee Wa
I was looking at my tank last night and in the moonlighting and saw one of my favorite little critters pom pom crab, at the size of a quarter at max its like a needle in a hay stack but love it when he shows himself I added three but only see one at a time about every 3-4 weeks here is an picture of him the last time he showed himself. So whats your favorite hidden little treasure that you have that you only get a rare sighting time to time.


can you find him?
I like my sand sifting starfish, its great when it rises from the sand and moves through the tank. They are nocternal so I only see him durring the day every few weeks :)
I like my elephant slugs (limpets) They are nocturnal. When the lights dim down they start moving around the tank cleaning up. I just realized, I dont have any other cleanup crew in the tank except for the slugs and mini brittlestars.
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I like porcelain crab. He is usually in a cave or backside of a rock. But sometimes I'll be looking around and see him raking the current for food bits. I'm usually reminded of his presence by seeing his shell fragments littering the reef from his moltings.
I don't have a favorite, I like them all. I think the one that I see very rarely is my brittlestar. I like my peppermint shrimp that I see every night under my leather, his favorite place. My emerald crab pops out every once in a while. I like them all, they all are different in their ways.
I as well love my pom pom crab, I've had it for a year and only seen it 10 times, only at night. Love how they come out waving their claws around ready to fight
Yeah, love my pom-pom also -


Also my flame scallop - tends to move around the tank often:

but not too stoked when i find these guys:
but not too stoked when i find these guys:

What the heck is that? its not a giant bristle worm or is it