Hitchhiker Crab

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Reef Tarded
Feb 5, 2007
Federal Way, WA
Check out the pincher on this guy.


Good shot of the pincher.

Anyone know what he is? (Other than a crab.)
That's a big pincher for a crab that small!! :eek: I'd keep him out of the tank(LOL). No idea on the name though...Good luck finding out:)
Looks like a Gorilla Crab, But maybe worng on that, Had one 15 years ago, but didnt have a pincher like that. Get him in the Fuge ASAP.

But after looking at this pic, I would have to say it is a bad crab.
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Close...lets just say I'm not going to say "why are you looking in my tank...i finally got the last crab out" again. :)
Did it hitchhike in on Florida rock...I had one in my tank for ages before I could catch it...

Think it was a gorilla crab also.

Good Catch...boil him up! :)
Anyone know what he is? (Other than a crab.)

That is an "Eatus Expensivus Coralis" crab....:lol: Making a positive ID on any hitchhiker crab is next to impossible, because so many different species are nearly taxonomically identical...best place for any hitchhiker crab caught in the tank is either the fuge or the toilet:badgrin:

That is an "Eatus Expensivus Coralis" crab....:lol: Making a positive ID on any hitchhiker crab is next to impossible, because so many different species are nearly taxonomically identical...best place for any hitchhiker crab caught in the tank is either the fuge or the toilet:badgrin:


But then couldn't it pinch you in the buttocks????!!!!:eek:
But then couldn't it pinch you in the buttocks????!!!!:eek:

One of the many hazards of reefkeeping...:lol:

Actually, when I find a crab, rather than destroy my reef trying to catch him, I watch him for a few days and figure out where he is hiding, then I give him a bit of the ol' turkey baster filled with boiling water...cook the little menace right in his hiding spot:badgrin:

That's mean!:cry:

I put them all in the fuge - I have a really mean looking one that was about the size of a baby pea when I put him in there (he's about the size of a half dollar now)- I walked by the other day and he jumped at the glass and nearly scared me to death!:eek: I guess he ate all the other crabs in there and was hungry. I now feed him a chunk of silverside every day so he is happy to see me not attacking the glass anymore.:)