Hitchilker Star ID???

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Sloppy Joe

Jul 14, 2005
I bought some yellow polyps the other day and it came with this really funky shaped piece of live rock. I think it is half an encrusted oyster shell or something. Well the BONUS came when I was watching my tank tonight and saw a really cool 3 in star coming out of it. The star looks a lot like a linka but it is a pale olive green color. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen one of these. Is this a color strain of linka??? Sorry I have no pics...
Hard to say with out a pic maybe try a search on Nardoa Galathea sea star. Kinda shaped like a linkia and some pics have them in green or sorta green/brown anyway. I dont know of a green linkia but then again who knows. LOL One thing to be careful of is stars unless know safe are usually predatory on something.
Sloppy Joe - I would keep an eye on it. Some stars can be predators to corals, so check out your livestock, and watch where it goes. I personally have not heard of a green linckia, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. It could be a grazer of some sort, too, and hopefully your tank would provide the food source necessary to stay alive. If you can get a pic, I'd love to see it!
Just did a search on green linkia and found it. I was spelling linkia wrong the whole time last night. Still a little worried because I woke up and ound it exploring my xenia a little to close. It really likes to wonder around and quickly at that.