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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2006
Gig Harbor, WA
The salt lvls keep goin down..Im assuming to top offs in the sump and me not adding enough salt in it...When I need to raise the salinity from say 1.020 its at now (on hydrometer) to say 1.023..I know I do it gradually, but do I pour the salt into the tank? or get it pumped thru the sump?? It doesnt seem to disolve well in the sump...but if I pour it right in the tank should I dissolve it first?

*looks back at her FW water tank days with*

I miss just doubling the "stress ease" dechlorinator lol
Always mix saltwater at least into a brine form and aerate or make up for evap with a low strenght salt solution.
Adding dry salt can be very bad. It will burn the fishs gills and kill corals.
I wouldn't dump the salt right in the tank or sump. It's best to premix it first with ro/di water and and allow it to aerate for a bit before adding it to the tank.:)
hehe you guys rock :) glad I post here first before leaping into the salt!!

ALso anyone have exp w/ Oceanic salt?? That's the brand we use..we were reccommended this brand for its quick dissolving nature... I have yet to really see that tho..
make sure ur temp is around 76 or 79,due to anything lower ur salt level will be low,temp is part of reading ur salt level:)
Some people have had problems with oceanic salt, IE unable to maintain ph, strange things happening. I use reef crystals for reefs, and instant ocean for fish only tanks.
tank is a steady-only stable part lol- 78 degrees f!! Got a brand new submersible heater with a numbered dial as our old one seemed a bit faulty with no way of konwing also where you set the temp at...

yeah I'm not fond of our salt..but we've got quite a bit left lol...when we first mixed said to put so many cups per gallon..and our salinity was sky high!! it only takes like half of what the bucket says :( which throws new poeple off..
like krish said instant salt is better.i've use this product for about 6yrs now and all i do is use 1/2 cup per gal and throw in a powerhead and a heater and in 2hrs salt is all gone and mix make sure ru temp is the same as ru main tank and ru salt level is the same as ru main tank in ru make up water.
You want to mix up the salt before it goes into the tank. I use a 30G rubbermaid bin with a powerhead that I keep mixed up. How is the salt getting out of your tank? Evaporated water leaves the salt in the tank, so it must be getting out somehow. Are you skimming really wet?
skimmin is a lil wet..frothy more than wet/dry does it need to be?? lots of stuff gettin sucked out now with all the new rock..but man everything is brown sump smells like a fish hauling dock!! :eek:
skimmin is a lil wet..frothy more than wet/dry does it need to be?? lots of stuff gettin sucked out now with all the new rock..but man everything is brown sump smells like a fish hauling dock!!

LOL...Yeah, evaporated water does leave behind the salt, but wet skimming removes salt with it. Another thing you can maybe check for is excessive salt creep. That could cause you to lose a bit of salt:)
Hydrometers aren't the most accurate, so there is a chance your salinity is higher or lower than what you think.

When changing salinity of your system, you want to do it slowly. Here is a salinity adjustment calculator, and you have to use ppt not specific gravity (even though it says you can). To figure out what your salinity is, you can use this conversion calculator: Salinity Conversion. Here is the adjustment calculator: Salty Zoo Salinity Adjustment Calculator. At 1.020 you are at a salinity of 26.6 ppt, and you want to be at 35 ppt (for a reef tank). Use those values, and enter in 1 as maximum ppt you will change. After you hit calculate, you can scroll down and see how many water changes is recommended, at how many gallons, and what salinity the water should be.

Make sure your pre-mixed water is the same temperature and pH as the main tank.
Yes lots of salt creep..i find it in the oddest places...on the skimmer dial..on the outer corners of the tank and a lil bit around the top edges of the tank..well a lot to me is not alot to most people but its noticeable in crystal like chunks..
Yes lots of salt creep..i find it in the oddest places...on the skimmer dial..on the outer corners of the tank and a lil bit around the top edges of the tank..well a lot to me is not alot to most people but its noticeable in crystal like chunks..

Yeah, I've got a bit of it myself. I just throw it back in (LOL) I think I've seen something somewhere (maybe Premium Aquatics) that sells something that prevents salt creep if it is that big of an issue. I'm not sure what it is or how it is used, but I definately remember seeing it somewhere. Maybe an option to eliminating a bit of it:)