HOB filter modification to hold micro algae

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Mar 13, 2008
Ive seen some pics but I wasn't sure what to do with my hang off the back filter.

Its from my old freshwater setup collecting dust...seeing someones pic with algae or some kind of plants growing in it with a Mygyvered plant light near it...gave me an idea to try it.

My problem is....do I put any sand in it (like those bio weel model hob filters)

I have the large bio wheel but its a generic aquatech with a foam wall for its bio...i figure i could shove some plants in it...have the pump suck up water and cause a decent flow through the plants which in turn ....support my pods colony for my fish and help as a natural Phosphate eater.

Any suggestions before I start hacking things up and modifying it...cause I am dangerous with a Dremel tool:evil:

I may add more water space with some spare ABS and make a HOB Mini Refuge for my tank.
What little sand you can fit into it will not do any good. I would just go the Chaeto route. As for the HOB filter mod. Check this RC thread out.

As for using spare ABS to make a HOB fuge. If you are adding a separete fuge it would really not be necassary to do the HOB fuge mod. Definately the bigger the better when it comes to fuges but I really wouldn't do both unless you where just adding to the HOB filter for added fuge space.

What size tank is this for? Most of the time these HOB are for Nano's as they hardly do much on larger tanks.
I've turned a couple of Aqua Clear HOB filters into mini-refugiums. It's very easy. Don't put any sand in them at all though. Just fill it up with Chaeto, as mentioned above. I also added a clamp on desk type lamp with a screw in Compact Fluorescent bulb. I'll try posting pics. Nope, pics are too large. Here's a link to a few of the pictures.
