Holes holes and more holes

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Port Orchard Washington
I was planning on doing some holesawing on a couple of my empty tanks i have laying around. Does anybody know how many holes you can drill into the back of a 20g long? I am planning on a LOT of flow so was thinking of 1 1/2" drains and 3/4" or 1" returns. 2 each. I also want to put in a closed loop using a mag 9.5 i have laying around. As for the other tank, its just a lil 2 or 2.5 gal that i want to make a mini reef in. Havent really thought bout flow in this one much. Maybe 3/4 and 1/2" bulkheads? So i guess what im asking is-How many holes can i "attemp" to drill in these tanks and how do i figure out what size of holesaws i need?
I was told a loose rule of thumb is to space any holes a bulkead width away from anything like, another hole, corner, overglow box,etc. but with a small tank like your 20, I would personaly be concered if they were that close and consult with an expert.
Get the bulkheads first, so you can measure for the actual size before you buy the holesaws. I heard that Clear Fabrications has every size of bulkhead and has them in quantity for a pretty fair price, might want to ask him.
Get the bulkheads first, so you can measure for the actual size before you buy the holesaws. I heard that Clear Fabrications has every size of bulkhead and has them in quantity for a pretty fair price, might want to ask him.

Nice touch!!