How do you set an Eheim heater???

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
Charleston, SC
Ok, I give up. How do you set the temp for an Eheim heater? I had to get a new heater because my last one burned up (it stunk) so I picked up an Eheim Jager 250w because so many people recommend them but I can t figure out how to set it. First, there is no marker to indicate a set point, second the red dial doesn't seem to make a difference, and third, no matter which way I turn the blue dial, the heater stays on. The instructions are useless. "Turn the temperature selector ring to the desired temperature"??? How? My German is very rusty but even the instructions in German did not revel anything new. If you know how to set this heater up, I could use the help. Thanks.
Mine has a small v bumpout on the grey top piece to reference while rotating the Blue ring, directly opposite of the power cord input.

Cheers, Todd
no matter what type or brand of heater you are using, they are all cheap and unreliable. They all need controlled with a temperature controller. Heater plugs into one end, fan/chiller into the other. The controller controls the temp by turning the electricity on and off to each. If the heater gets stuck on the controller will turn the electric to it off and turn the fan/chiller on. I have been using a Ranco for 3 years now after losing a tankful of fish from a 2 month old "top of the line" heater malfunctioned and stayed on. Cheapest $100 insurance policy you can buy.
Mine has a small v bumpout on the grey top piece to reference while rotating the Blue ring, directly opposite of the power cord input.

Cheers, Todd

Hi Todd,

Thanks, I'll see if I can find a bumpout on this one. All the ohther heaters I've used had one but I can 't seem to see it on this one. I might have to break out a magnifing glass! LOL!!!
no matter what type or brand of heater you are using, they are all cheap and unreliable. They all need controlled with a temperature controller. Heater plugs into one end, fan/chiller into the other. The controller controls the temp by turning the electricity on and off to each. If the heater gets stuck on the controller will turn the electric to it off and turn the fan/chiller on. I have been using a Ranco for 3 years now after losing a tankful of fish from a 2 month old "top of the line" heater malfunctioned and stayed on. Cheapest $100 insurance policy you can buy.

Hi Holygral,

Yeah, I totally agree with you. I've looked at them off and on and I know I need one. I've been leaning towards the Reefkeepers but still need to do some more research. I'll have to check out the Ranco. I'm not familiar with that one. Thanks. :)
Well, that's it. I'm taking this thing back to the store. I have the blue ring turned all the way counterclock wise (low temp I assume) and my tank water is 92 deg. Any recommendations for a good heater? I'll have to order it on line because the only thing the lfs carry are Marineland and Eheim.
a heater is a heater ;) actually I think there are some jbj heaters that have separate controllers, if you want to be safe and use a digital controller on a heater - looks like they are around $100 thought :D

I'm of the school of two smaller heaters, that can't overheat your tank if one sticks on - so instead of 1 250, get two 100s - gives you more time to catch a catastrophe before it goes full scale!
OK, here is an update on my Eheim heater. I have been emailing Eheim about my issue and I basically got the same information that are in the instructions which are absolutely useless. Nowhere in the instructions nor in the emails do they address how to set the initial temperature. They tell you to set the initial temperature but they never tell you how. Based on the last instructions that I received from Eheim, I reset the heater and plugged it back in. I had it set for 76°and when I got up this morning the water temp was reading 92. At my first opportunity, I will return the heater to the store and get a different brand. I have read various threads that say Eheim is a good product but based on my experience with the heater and customer support, I would have to say otherwise. I'm very disappointed. So if anyone has recommendations on a good heater please let me know. Thanks.
a heater is a heater ;) actually I think there are some jbj heaters that have separate controllers, if you want to be safe and use a digital controller on a heater - looks like they are around $100 thought :D

I'm of the school of two smaller heaters, that can't overheat your tank if one sticks on - so instead of 1 250, get two 100s - gives you more time to catch a catastrophe before it goes full scale!

Hi estanoche,

Thanks. I'll look at the jbj heaters. I definitely want to get a controller for my system and have been looking at the ReefKeeper. It looks like a it will do some of the basics including heater controller. I might get 2 heaters as well. I had 2 on my 180 and that worked well. I eventually lost one and the other worked out fine. I did have a Finnex but I didn't like it at all. If you lost power, the heater would reset to the factory default of 80 deg and there was no way of changing it!!
I use the heater thermostat as a 'backup', but have them controlled by my neptune apex. Seems a safer way to do it, considering the amount of livestock you could lose if your tank got up to 92 degrees or something
I use the heater thermostat as a 'backup', but have them controlled by my neptune apex. Seems a safer way to do it, considering the amount of livestock you could lose if your tank got up to 92 degrees or something

Hi Rob,

Thanks. I've been looking at controllers lately and they all seem decent, but expensive. How do you like the Apex? Fortunately, I was using the heater in my salt water holding can. I talked with Frankie earlier today and he gave me some suggestions on how to set the Jager properly so I'll give it a try tonight when I get home. If that doesn't work, it’s going back to the store.
Ah, ok. Glad it wasn't your tank :)

For my holding can I just have a heater in with no controller or anything. It kets it pretty close. Close enough anyway.

I like the apex. Bought it early in my build and kind of built the system around it. It is doing a great job of aquacontrolling :)
Ah, ok. Glad it wasn't your tank :)

For my holding can I just have a heater in with no controller or anything. It kets it pretty close. Close enough anyway.

I like the apex. Bought it early in my build and kind of built the system around it. It is doing a great job of aquacontrolling :)

Cool beans. I'll be starting a 120 build in the future and want to make sure I have a controller for it. It should make life easier. :)