How many outlets from a Mag9.5 return?

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
seattle, wa
So I'm running a Mag9.5 as my return pump, or I will before I go to bed tonight anyway and the original plan was to put 2 outlets aiming at the front glass to be deflected back at the rock and 2 more straight down into the corners through a constriction (aka a 1/4 or 3/8 hole drilled in a cap on the end of 1/2 inch PVC. I was just wondering, could I add 2 more outlets like the ones in the corners but closer to the middle of the tank? Is there enough flow to keep the 'stuff' in suspension?

The tank is a 29g bb, I've lost track of how much rock is in it...plenty. I'm rushing this as my canister filter which was being used more for added flow decided not to turn back on last night after a water change.

I'm on my way to the Lowe's, I'll buy the extra 'T's' for the 2 extra outlets if the opinion is that there is enough flow. If there isn't, I'm still planning on running a closed loop with a Mag5.

edit: The water has to get up and over the rim of the tank which is 5 feet higher then the pump
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so you want a mag 9.5 to work against 5' head and have not just 4 outlets but maybe 6 outlets? I think you are asking a lot. Just from the 5' head your 950gph pump will only be putting out ~750gph and that doesn't include any friction within the pipe or elbows. If you divide that 4 ways you get 187gph at each outlet and divided 6 ways you get 125 gph.

Either cut back the outlets or upsize the pump - probably 2-3 outlets at the most. Just my thoughts.
I'm hoping that 2 of the outlets, because they'll be so restricted, will be fine with the 2 open ones. I'll leave off the 2 extras, this is why asked. I'll add those other two when I add the closed loop sometime in the next couple weeks.

I just added to outlets on a mag950 I just finished a few minutes ago. I had some problems with getting enough flow out of 2, but some of the others helped me and it's blowing really nice now. I'll get the link for you to check it out. :)
the update...

I think everything works. No leaks appeared...yet. Only 1 baffles didn't hold. So, I'll continue another day. The hard part is done, now I just need to use enough silcone and all will be great!
I would only do 2 max outlets from a MAG 9.5....although that is just IMO...
