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Well-known member
May 21, 2004
a fairly mature tank would be? 6 months, a year or longer.
Depends on what you plan on doing with it.
If a FOWLER for tough fish, 6 months is beginning to stabilize.

If corals, a year is good. If raising delicates, over a year would be best. The longer the rock is allowed to adjust to your own home's conditions, the better.

Some fish and corals only seem to do well long term in a very established tank full of aged rock.
My last setup took almost a year to mature...Depends on the condition of the rock and how long it takes for things to take it's course IMO. :)
Is there a way to tell if a tank has matured?
Though subjective in nature, good way to tell is by life forms. All kinds of life should be popping out, coraline, sponges, dusters, tunicates, snails, stars, etc. The chemistry should be staying fairly stabile, and fish seem to survive about anything. Untill then, can take a lot of work keeping it all going.

You will know it when you see it.
I hope if find all that life on the new rock I just put into my 30 gallon tank. When I bought rock for my 58 gallon tank a few years back I really did not see much life. A worm or two here and there and some things that looked like a feather duster. But nothing really grew into anything. :( I hope this new rock has loads of life on it.
IMHO, the quality of the rock is less important than the health of the tank regarding life proliferating. Takes only a tiny piece of living rock, as it is packed with spores, gametes, eggs, and what-not that will spring life anew. This life developing with time is what makes the tank "mature."

Time is the primary overlooked ingredient in any successful reef.
Thanks for all the information. Very interesting!
How cured was your live rock when you put it in the tank? If it has a long ways to go to be cured it will slow down the tanks aging process.

Maybe tanks are like people. Mature at different rates. Although mine is three years old I don't consider it mature. I consider it stable, balanced, and maturing...
Maybe tanks are like people. Mature at different rates. Although mine is three years old I don't consider it mature. I consider it stable, balanced, and maturing...

Great attitude Rdude!!
I wish I had your level of patience, could have saved me a lot of mistakes and fish that died young.
I bought 35 pounds of pre-cured rock. The tank is actually 29 gallons.