How to get fish

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
Pullman, Olympia
I know most will support local fish stores, but where I am, its hard to get the fish that I want in my stocking list. For instance, where would I find a good mated pair clownfish? Or can I buy them small enough and they will develop into a mated pair in my tank>?

Also what kind of clowns do best in community/which ones are better to pair with anenomes?

I will soon have a lot of questions about fish.
Clarkii clowns are probably the best hosting species. Perculas and False-Perculas(Oscellaris) are probably the best community clowns. If you buy them young enough they will pair up - the biggest turns into a female and the second biggest turns male. All others in a group will remain sexless until something happens to one of the pair. What other fish are you looking for?
I found out the hard way that the Clarkiii CLowns are some of the most aggressive towards it's tank mates. I had to get rid of one in my attempt to create a peaceful environment. I replaced the Clarkii with 2 True Perc Clowns. They are very calm and don;t bother anyone and host nicely in my Nem.

You can see a couple low quality pics of the new fish on page 2 of this thread.
Whenever possible I recommend supporting good local fish stores. If, however, you're not in a locale that has anything close enough to be convenient then you can get fish off the internet. Aquarium forums are a good place to look as well as online retailers. I'm not specifically recommending them because I've never used them but take a look at Drs Foster and Smith for an example of some of the fish, corals, and supplies available off the net. As I said, I've never used their service but if they can get fish and corals to your door in good shape that's a great service to the reefer that lives in the boondocks.

I see that you're in Pullman, so I can give some good advice. Pets are People Too has decent fish, I bought a small pair off Occ clownfish from them and they paired up very nicely in my tank and host a large head of frogspawn. In fact, since I got my Picasso clownfish i have been trying to sell my normal occ's, if you want an already paired set maybe we can work something out.

Other then that there are two AMAZING fish stores in Spokane, only an hour away. Check out Aquatic Dreams and Aquarium Solutions.
I've made a couple orders from before I knew about Barrier Reef in Renton. Of course that's not terribly useful being in Pullman.

There's also Palouse Pets in Moscow, sometimes she gets stuff in Pets are People Too don't.
I made some orders with as well and they have really good quality fish. However like if you come up to Spokane, I've purchased a ton of stuff from Aquatic Dreams and its all been really high quality and decent prices. I havent been to Aquarium Solutions so I cant speak for them. However I havent heard about too many bad fish stores up here.
clarkii and golden stripped clowns are the most aggressive..if u want community fish, then occelaris is the fish for you.
Just some advice about buying salt water fish.

Research the fish you intend on buying extensively PRIOR to your purchase.

Ask your LFS how long the fish have been in their store. If they have been in the store for quite some time, chances are good they will survive in your tank. If they arrived the night before you're taking your chances.

Ask to see the fish eat prior to making your purchase.

Get a QT and keep your fish in their for about a month to ensure they don't have disease.

I like to make sure the fish I purchase have a nice fat gut on them.