How to keep Cyrstal clear water????

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May 12, 2010
Tacoma, Washington
Hi im not new to saltwater aquaarium keeping i have had many tanks
some better than others

im trying out new things on my 90 gallon glass tank (SALTWATER)
And ive been wondering how to keep the cleanest possible water

do i add a chemical. do more water changes. upgrade my filters
just let me know what i can try

90 gallon tank
hob skimmer rated for 125 gallon
cainster filter rated for 150 gallons
10 gallon refugium with live rock
100# of rock in tank

just give me some ideas on what to try. like i said im not new to the hobby i know what im doing but i just wanna try new things
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." If you've been successful in the past with water quality/clarity then I'd continue doing what you are doing. Be careful with the canister filter though. Depending on what have in it will determine how it needs to be cared for.

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Another more involved option would be to add a sump to your set up. A sump would allow you to get a better skimmer as well as allowing you to use a "filter sock" which would help trap some crud(the socks do need to be cleaned fairly frequently).
+1 on the sump idea! I love sumps and with a sump you wouldn't need the canister filter, but since you do use a canister filter I would recommend running carbon in it. Just a thought.
I ran a canister filter on my 55 before I upgraded to a 75 with a 30g sump. I will never go back to a canister filter. If you run a sump all you need to do is change your filtersock vs shutting down and cleaning out the filter. IMO they are a waste of time and money. If I were you and had the time... Install an overflow and plumb a sump system. If your not up for that you could always try out a HOB Overflow into a sump, but make sure you run a filtersock.
hmm ok thanks for all the ideas guys
i bought a 120 gallon acryic tank with coner overflows it came with a sump so il give that a try and see how it goes
Same as freshwater, good old activated carbon :)

Be very careful of the chemicals you add to your tank. I added some slime coat thinking it would be good for the fish. The skimmer went crazy for about two weeks :doh:

I agree that a sump is a great asset to have. It also give you a place for a refugium which will help your water quality even more. Just be sure the water has some where to go if your sock gets pluged up. Most store bought sumps have some kind of bypass built in but I had to drill a hole in my DIY sump to get the job done.
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