how to rise Alkalinity levels

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Well-known member
May 12, 2007
hi here I just test my 55 g tank and everithing is OK but my Alkalinity is 7 dkh

What shoul be the proper range and how can I rise it.

Thanx a lot
Aaron - that actually isn't too bad. What is your Calcium level? There are different products you can use to raise your alkalinity, but you'll want to make sure you are balanced with your calcium levels. You can check out the calculator I have linked below.

Here is a good article for you: Reef Aquarium Water Parameters

Here is a good Reef Chemistry Calculator or this version: Reef Chemistry Calculator.

hi there
My Calcium is on 430
PH 8.2
Everithing else is on 0 (Amonnia, nitrate, nitrite)

So far thats all the test I run.

Tahnx a lot for your response.

I startet adding PH Buffer by Red Sea. It thats correct?
Just get some Arm & Hammer Baking soda as it will do the trick for ALk and with little impact on the pH. Your Alk of 7 is fine, natural seawater is not quite that high but some like to run it a little higher which is also fine.